April 12, 2012
12 April 2012 – Newly-released criminal case files from the posthumous prosecution case against Sergei Magnitsky reveal for the first time the central role that the FSB, Russia’s secret police, and in particular, Department K, the FSB’s Financial Counterespionage Department, played in the budget thefts uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky, his subsequent persecution and the state cover-up since his death.
“The first bundle of the Magnitsky case files show the web of corruption and the merger between the FSB, law enforcement agencies and organised criminals in the scheme to steal hundreds of millions of dollars of budget funds, and to conceal the liability of government officials involved,” said a Hermitage Capital representative. Read more
Kudrin Tries to Explain Why $1 Billion Was Stolen from the Russian Budget
April 12, 2012
Former Russian Finance Minister Kudrin Tries to Explain Why $1 Billion Was Stolen from the Russian Budget in Connection to the Magnitsky Murder on His Watch and he Did Nothing
11 April 2012 — In an extraordinary statement issued on his political website, former Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin explained how it was not his fault that $1 billion was stolen from the Russian treasury on his watch between 2006 and 2010 through a corrupt scheme uncovered by Hermitage Fund’s Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky (
In his statement referring to the illegal approvals of tax refunds for millions of dollars, Mr. Kudrin said: “Employees of the Treasury cannot challenge the appropriateness of such a decision. Neither the leadership of the Treasury, nor, especially, the leadership of the Ministry of Finance interfere in this process.”
This statement came in response to a series of 7 public questions to Kudrin from Andrei Illiarionov, an opposition politician, posted in his blog on ‘Echo of Moscow’ website (, challenging Alexei Kudrin after an independent investigation by a Russian newspaper, Novaya Gazeta, uncovered that the same officers from the Federal Tax Service and the same organized criminals who were involved in the $230m theft that Sergei Magnitsky discovered, stole a further 11.4 billion Rubles in ($444 m) in 2009 and 2010. Read more
Russian Government Drops Criminal Charges Against Doctor Responsible for the Torture and Death of Sergei Magnitsky
April 12, 2012
Russian Government Drops Criminal Charges Against Doctor Responsible for the Torture and Death of Sergei Magnitsky
9 April 2012 – On the eve of the 24 April 2012 deadline of the investigation into the death of Sergei Magnitsky, the Russian Investigative Committee has announced that they have dropped charges against Larisa Litvinova, one of the two doctors who were defendants in this case due to the expiry of the statute of limitations. For 20 months after the death of Sergei Magnitsky, the Russian authorities made public statements saying that there was no wrongdoing on the part of any officials. Only after international pressure and the public discussion of visa sanctions did the Russian Investigative Committee open a criminal case into two low level doctors from the Butryka prison for negligence. They charged Ms. Litvinova with “unintentional acts causing death” knowing that the statute of limitations would expire 4 months after the case was opened. Read more
Департамент «К» ФСБ РФ играет ключевую роль в деле Сергея Магнитского и раскрытом им хищении налогов
April 12, 2012
Департамент «К» ФСБ РФ играет ключевую роль в деле Сергея Магнитского и раскрытом им хищении налогов
12 апреля 2012 года – Согласно материалам уголовного дела против погибшего Сергея Магнитского, ставшими доступными Hermitage Capital, департаменту «К» ФСБ РФ (контрразведка в кредитно-финансовой сфере) и его руководителю генерал-лейтенанту Виктору Воронину принадлежит ключевая роль в преследовании юриста фонда Hermitage.
«Сегодня мы получили доступ к доказательствам непосредственного и постоянного участия ФСБ и Департамента «К» в деле Магнитского. Они наглядно подтверждают сращивание силовых структур с криминалитетом с целью хищения бюджетных средств и компаний фонда Hermitage и впоследствии осуществлению карательно-репрессивных мер в отношении разоблачавших их сотрудников фонда и его юриста Сергея Магнитского, а затем к укрывательству виновных в его убийстве Read more
Заявление Кудрина о «невмешательстве» по налоговым возвратам свидетельствует о криминализации управления бюджетом
April 11, 2012
Сегодняшнее заявление Алексея Кудрина о невмешательстве по делу о раскрытых Сергеем Магнитским систематических хищениях из бюджета десятков миллиардов рублей (см. статью Новой газеты свидетельствует о том, что российский бюджет больше не действует как источник средств для российских граждан, а является инструментом бесконтрольного обогащения российских чиновников. Утверждение Алексея Кудрина о своей неспособности в должности Министра финансов, в подчинении которого находились и Федеральное Казначейство, и Федеральная налоговая служба, на протяжении четырех лет расследовать действия собственных сотрудников и защитить государственные средства от дальнейшего разграбления, говорит о криминализации системы управления бюджетом. Read more