Russia To Seek Politically-Motivated Interpol Red Notice Against William Browder In Retaliation for the Magnitsky Act
April 22, 2013
Today judge Petr Stupin of the Moscow Tverskoi District Court issued an arrest warrant in absentia for the CEO of Hermitage Capital Management, William Browder, who has been the leader of a global justice campaign for late Sergei Magnitsky. The Russian Interior Ministry stated their purpose in issuing the warrant was to use it as a pre-condition to filing an Interpol Red Notice to search for and detain Mr Browder wherever he travels in the world. Read more
Russian Government Employs Anti-Terrorist Unit to Search for Hermitage CEO in Retaliation for the US Magnitsky Act
April 22, 2013
The Anti-Terrorist Department (Department “T”) of the Russian Interior Ministry has been assigned to search for British citizen William Browder, who has been running a global campaign for justice after the killing of his lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in police custody.
The information about the involvement of the Russian Anti-Terrorist Department comes from court records in the latest initiative of the Russian Interior Ministry to seek an arrest warrant in absentia for William Browder. This is the second known request of an in absentia arrest warrant of a Westerner in contemporary Russian history. Read more
Делом Браудера занялся Департамент по борьбе с терроризмом
April 22, 2013
К преследованию подданного Великобритании Уильяма Браудера, уже три года ведущего кампанию по восстановлению справедливости в отношении погибшего юриста Сергея Магнитского, присоединился Департамент по борьбе с терроризмом (Департамент «Т») МВД.
Руководит операцией по преследованию и поиску Уильяма Браудера Г.Р. Сунгуров, начальник 4 отдела Управления Следственного департамента МВД (СД МВД), отвечающего за «расследование организованной преступной деятельности и коррупции». За 2 месяца «расследования» Сунгуров был повышен в звании с майора до подполковника. Read more
Russian Interior Ministry Seeks Arrest Warrant for Bill Browder in Putin-directed Retaliation Against Magnitsky List
April 17, 2013
Today, the Russian Interior Ministry announced that they intend to seek a warrant to arrest Bill Browder, CEO of Hermitage Capital Management. The hearing to seek the warrant will take place at the Tverskoi District Court in Moscow at noon today. They will seek the arrest warrant in relation to spurious charges of “stealing” Gazprom shares in late 1990’s‑early 2000’s and “interfering” in Gazprom’s strategic policies.
The materials for this new case have been separated by the Russian Interior Ministry from the posthumous case against Sergei Magnitsky, who is currently on trial in Russia in the first-ever posthumous trial in Russian history. This new case was opened a month after the Russian President Vladimir Putin promised to “delve deeper” into the Magnitsky case at a press conference on 20 December 2012, where he was questioned seven times about the Magnitsky affair and the ban on US adoptions of disabled Russian orphans, which was the official Russian Government response to the U.S. Magnitsky Law. Read more
Реакцией Путина на список Магнитского стал заочный арест Билла Браудера
April 17, 2013
Сегодня в 12 по полудню в Тверском суде г. Москвы судья вынесет решение о заочном аресте Уильяма Браудера. О реакции Президента Путина на это решение пока не сообщается.
Сергей Бородулин, 1962 г. рождения, подписавший постановление преследовать Сергея Магнитского посмертно и заочно арестовать Уильяма Браудера
Ходатайство о заочном аресте Уильяма Браудера поступило в московский районный суд еще в понедельник, однако, московский адвокат Браудера был уведомлен о назначенном заседании только накануне. Read more