Swiss Money Laundering Investigation in the Magnitsky Case Widens With New Requests Sent to Multiple Swiss Financial Institutions and Accounts Frozen

January 9, 2013

The Swiss Pros­e­cu­tor has widened its probe into the mon­ey laun­der­ing involv­ing Russ­ian offi­cials con­nect­ed to the crimes uncov­ered by Sergei Mag­nit­sky. The Swiss author­i­ties have sent requests to mul­ti­ple finan­cial insti­tu­tions and frozen accounts, report­ed Tages-Anzeiger, one of Switzerland’s main newspapers. 

A num­ber of bank accounts have been frozen con­tain­ing mil­lions of funds in unspec­i­fied cur­ren­cy, accord­ing to the news­pa­per arti­cle “Sus­pi­cion of Mon­ey Laun­der­ing: Con­fed­er­a­tion Blocked Mil­lions” (

This infor­ma­tion comes on top of a pre­vi­ous announce­ment by the Swiss author­i­ties that they froze accounts at Cred­it Suisse in Zurich last year belong­ing to Vladlen Stepanov, for­mer hus­band of a senior Russ­ian tax offi­cial Olga Stepano­va, who approved numer­ous ille­gal tax refunds through which hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars were stolen from the Russ­ian trea­sury. Some of the funds in the frozen Swiss accounts had been used to buy lux­u­ry real estate in Dubai for Russ­ian tax offi­cials and their fam­i­lies. Fol­low­ing the rev­e­la­tion of the Swiss action, Mr Stepanov stat­ed that approx­i­mate­ly 8 mil­lion Euros in his Swiss accounts had been frozen. It is not spec­i­fied who the per­sons are who are now con­nect­ed to the widen­ing Swiss probe.

All finan­cial trans­ac­tions leave a per­ma­nent and inerasable trail. Those who were con­nect­ed to the theft and laun­der­ing of the mon­ey, and the false arrest and killing of Sergei Mag­nit­sky to cov­er it up may be able to get away with mur­der, but they won’t be able now to hide the pro­ceeds of their crime in the West,” said a Her­mitage Cap­i­tal representative.

The Russ­ian author­i­ties have recog­nised that $230 mil­lion had been stolen from the Russ­ian trea­sury and blamed it on a sawmill employ­ee and a job­less man. They con­tend­ed that the mon­ey could not be traced because bank records blew up in a truck explo­sion. As of now, not a sin­gle Russ­ian offi­cial involved in the $230 mil­lion fraud­u­lent tax refund and theft has been prosecuted.

In the mean­time, Russ­ian author­i­ties have acquit­ted Dmit­ry Kra­tov, for­mer head of Butyr­ka deten­tion cen­ter and the only offi­cial brought to tri­al for the death of Sergei Mag­nit­sky. The acquit­tal of Mr Kra­tov was request­ed by the Russ­ian state pros­e­cu­tor in an unusu­al U‑turn just four days after the pub­lic claim by Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin that Sergei Mag­nit­sky had not been “tor­tured” and had died of “heart fail­ure” in spite of the doc­u­men­tary evi­dence of the use of rub­ber baton and injuries on his body revealed dur­ing his funeral. 


One Response to “Swiss Money Laundering Investigation in the Magnitsky Case Widens With New Requests Sent to Multiple Swiss Financial Institutions and Accounts Frozen”

  1. Irene on January 10th, 2017 13:16

    That’s real­ly think­ing at an imp­sre­sive level

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