European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee Adopts First European Magnitsky List with 32 Names

March 18, 2014

Today the For­eign Affairs Com­mit­tee of the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment adopt­ed a res­o­lu­tion call­ing for tar­get­ed asset freezes and visa sanc­tions on 32 indi­vid­u­als in the Mag­nit­sky case in Europe.

The top offi­cials on the pro­posed sanc­tions list are Russ­ian Deputy Gen­er­al Pros­e­cu­tor Vic­tor Grin, and Head of FSB Finan­cial Counter-Intel­li­gence Depart­ment Vic­tor Voronin, two key offi­cials who over­saw the case against Sergei Mag­nit­sky and the pro­ceed­ings in which offi­cials Mag­nit­sky had exposed for the $230 mil­lion theft had been exonerated.

Rus­sia should under­stand that civ­i­lized peo­ple in the West won’t tol­er­ate impuni­ty of Russ­ian offi­cials who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the tor­ture and mur­der of Sergei Mag­nit­sky,” said William Brow­der, leader of Mag­nit­sky Jus­tice campaign.

The res­o­lu­tion calls for sanc­tions be imposed as a first step on 32 indi­vid­u­als, includ­ing 16 offi­cials that have already been sanc­tioned by the U.S. Gov­ern­ment under the Sergei Mag­nit­sky Rule of Law Account­abil­i­ty Act. 

The EU list includes the names of pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed Dmit­ry Klyuev, for­mer ben­e­fi­cial own­er of Uni­ver­sal Sav­ings Bank which received a por­tion of the stolen $230 mil­lion, and his asso­ciates Andrei Pavlov and Yulya May­oro­va, who took part in col­lu­sive court pro­ceed­ings orches­trat­ed to dis­guise the $230 mil­lion theft.

The pro­posed EU list fur­ther tar­gets those involved in the posthu­mous tri­al of Sergei Mag­nit­sky, includ­ing judge Igor Alisov, and pros­e­cu­tion wit­ness Kon­stan­tin Ponomarev.

The res­o­lu­tion calls on EU Coun­cil to:
“Estab­lish a com­mon EU list of offi­cials respon­si­ble for the death of Sergei Mag­nit­sky, for the sub­se­quent judi­cial cov­er up and for the ongo­ing and con­tin­u­ing harass­ment of his moth­er and wid­ow.” (

Mag­nit­sky Sanc­tions List of 32 Per­sons Adopt­ed by the For­eign Affairs Com­mit­tee of the Euro­pean Parliament
1. ALISOV, Igor, born 11 March 1968;
2. DROGANOV, Alek­sey (a.k.a. DROGANOV, Alex­ei), born 11 Octo­ber 1975;
3. EGOROVA, Olga, born 29 June 1955;
4. GAUS, Alexan­dra, born 29 March 1975;
5. GERASIMOVA, Anas­ta­sia, born 22 Jan­u­ary 1982;
6. GRIN, Vic­tor, born 1 Jan­u­ary 1951;
7. KARPOV, Pavel, born 27 August 1977;
8. KHIMINA, Yele­na (a.k.a. KHIMINA, Ele­na), born 11 Feb­ru­ary 1953;
9. KLYUEV, Dmit­ry (a.k.a. KLYUEV, Dmitriy or KLYUEV, Dmitri), born
10 August 1967;
10. KOMNOV, Dmitriy (a.k.a. KOMNOV, Dmitri), born 17 May 1977;
Alex­ei), born 25 August 1977;
12. KUZNETSOV, Artem (a.k.a. KUZNETSOV, Arty­om), born 28 Feb­ru­ary 1975;
13. LOGUNOV, Oleg, born 4 Feb­ru­ary 1962;
14. MAYOROVA, Yulya (a.k.a. MAYOROVA, Yulia), born 23 April 1979;
15. PAVLOV, Andrey (a.k.a. Pavlov, Andrei), born 7 August 1977;
16. PECHEGIN, Andrey (a.k.a. PECHEGIN, Andrei), born 24 Sep­tem­ber 1965;
17. PODOPRIGOROV, Sergei, born 8 Jan­u­ary 1974;
18. PONOMAREV, Kon­stan­tin, born 14 August 1971;
19. PROKOPENKO, Ivan Pavlovitch, born 28 Sep­tem­ber 1973;
20. REZNICHENKO, Mikhail, born 20 Feb­ru­ary 1985;
21. SAPUNOVA, Mari­na, born 19 June 1971;
22. SHUPOLOVSKY, Mikhail, born 28 Sep­tem­ber 1983;
23. SILCHENKO, Oleg, born 25 June 1977;
24. STASHINA, Yele­na (a.k.a. STASHINA, Ele­na or STASHINA, Helen), born
5 Nov 1963;
25. STEPANOVA, Olga, born 29 July 1962;
26. STROITELEV, Denis, born 23 Jan­u­ary 1973;
27. TAGIEV, Fikhret, born 3 April 1962;
28. TOLCHINSKIY, Dmit­ry (a.k.a. TOLCHINSKY, Dmitriy or TOLCHINSKIY,
Dmitri), born 11 May 1982;
29. UKHNALYOVA, Svet­lana (a.k.a. UKHNALEV, Svet­lana or UKHNALEVA,
Svet­lana V.), born 14 March 1973;
30. URZHUMTSEV, Oleg, born 22 Octo­ber 1968;
31. VINOGRADOVA, Natalya, born 16 June 1973;
32. VORONIN, Vic­tor, born 11 Feb­ru­ary 1958


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