Russian Anti-Corruption Activist Navalny Urges US Government to Add New Names to Magnitsky Sanctions List for Abusing His Brother in Prison

November 11, 2015

11 Novem­ber 2015 – Alex­ei Naval­ny, Russ­ian anti-cor­rup­tion activist, whose broth­er has been jailed by Russ­ian author­i­ties since Decem­ber 2014 on trumped up charges and who has been sub­ject­ed to dis­crim­i­na­to­ry pres­sure in deten­tion, has urged the US Gov­ern­ment to add new names onto the Mag­nit­sky Sanc­tions list under the US Sergei Mag­nit­sky Law ( which impos­es visa bans and asset freezes on gross human rights violators.

“[The Mag­nit­sky Law] is a tru­ly pro-Russ­ian law…This is the law that pro­tects Russ­ian cit­i­zens from the law­less­ness,” said Alex­ei Naval­ny on the role of the Mag­nit­sky Act in today’s Russia.

My broth­er [Oleg Naval­ny] is being held in jail as a hostage. His only guilt is that he is my broth­er,” said Alex­ei Navalny.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, each new wave of pres­sure on Oleg [Alex­ei Navalny’s broth­er] was pre­cise­ly timed with my activ­i­ties and anti-cor­rup­tion inves­ti­ga­tions. Now this pres­sure sim­ply nev­er sub­sides,” said Alex­ei Naval­ny about the treat­ment of his broth­er in Russ­ian penal colony No 5.

Alex­ei Naval­ny and his col­leagues have iden­ti­fied three offi­cials respon­si­ble for apply­ing the pres­sure to Navalny’s brother:
1) Yuri Dorokhin, deputy head of prison sys­tem in Orlov region;
2) Yuri Afanasiev, head of penal colony IK‑5;
3) Gen­nady Grevt­sev, deputy head of IK‑5 colony in charge of security. 

In the last sev­er­al months, Oleg Naval­ny was moved three times to a penal­ty facil­i­ty where he spent 45 days, accord­ing to Alex­ei Navalny’s col­league Vladimir Ashurkov (

The Unit­ed States passed the Sergei Mag­nit­sky Rule of Law Account­abil­i­ty Act in Decem­ber 2012. The US law, named after deceased Her­mitage Fund’s Russ­ian lawyer Sergei Mag­nit­sky, impos­es visa bans and asset freezes on those involved in his arrest, tor­ture, death and cov­er-up, as well as oth­er gross human rights abuses.

So far the U.S. Treasury’s Office of For­eign Assets Con­trol has pub­licly sanc­tioned 34 Russ­ian nation­als under the US Mag­nit­sky Act, includ­ing 28 who played a role in the Mag­nit­sky case and 6 per­sons involved in oth­er gross human rights vio­la­tions in Rus­sia. The lists of names were pre­vi­ous­ly pub­lished by the US Gov­ern­ment on 12 April 2013, 20 May 2014 and 29 Decem­ber 2014.
For more infor­ma­tion please contact:

Jus­tice for Sergei Magnitsky

+44 207 440 1777
Twit­ter: @KatieFisher__


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