Sergei Magnitsky’s Mother Demands Answers from Russia’s General Prosecutor Chaika About False Statements Against Her Son

December 22, 2015

Sergei Mag­nit­sky’s Moth­er Demands Answers from Rus­si­a’s Gen­er­al Pros­e­cu­tor Chai­ka About False State­ments Against Her Son


Yuri Chai­ka

22 Decem­ber 2015  – Sergei Mag­nit­sky’s moth­er has demand­ed answers from Russ­ian Gen­er­al pros­e­cu­tor Chai­ka over his hys­ter­i­cal let­ter con­tain­ing false infor­ma­tion about Sergei Mag­nit­sky pub­lished last week in Russ­ian news­pa­per Kom­m­er­sant. Chaika’s let­ter was a response to Russ­ian blog­ger Alex­ei Naval­ny’s explo­sive video about the cor­rup­tion and abuse of office involv­ing Chaika’s two sons and senior pros­e­cu­tors in the country.


In Chaika’s14 Decem­ber 2015 let­ter to Kom­m­er­sant, he claimed that Sergei Mag­nit­sky had nev­er inves­ti­gat­ed the $230 mil­lion theft from the Russ­ian budget.


In Sergei Mag­nit­sky’s moth­er’s appli­ca­tion to the Gen­er­al Pros­e­cu­tor’s office which was filed at the end of last week, she refut­ed Chaika’s false state­ments and placed the respon­si­bil­i­ty on Chai­ka him­self for the cov­er up of the $230 mil­lion theft and its per­pe­tra­tors impli­cat­ed by Sergei Mag­nit­sky in sworn testimony.


The infor­ma­tion you have dis­sem­i­nat­ed inflicts pain on a moth­er who lost her son, it is not based on facts, it has not been cor­rob­o­rat­ed by courts, and it is refut­ed by doc­u­ments, includ­ing the crim­i­nal case files about Mag­nit­sky’s death,” said Ms. Mag­nit­skaya to Pros­e­cu­tor Chaika.


Thanks to Sergei Mag­nit­sky’s inves­ti­ga­tion which he con­duct­ed on instruc­tion from his client — the Her­mitage Fund — the theft of 5.4 bil­lion rubles [$230 mil­lion] was uncov­ered, and report­ed to you on 25 July 2008 in an appli­ca­tion seek­ing to inves­ti­gate the fraud and pros­e­cute its per­pe­tra­tors. In response your senior aid Bumazhkin replied that the inves­ti­ga­tion had been ter­mi­nat­ed …due to the lack of crime. Your aid also report­ed that the out­comes of this inves­ti­ga­tion were under con­trol of the Gen­er­al Pros­e­cu­tor’s Office,” said the appli­ca­tion from Ms. Magnitskaya.


It fol­lows that under the con­trol and with knowl­edge of the Russ­ian Gen­er­al Pros­e­cu­tor’s Office head­ed by you, per­pe­tra­tors who com­mit­ted a grandiose theft of 5.4 bil­lion rubles from the bud­get, remained for a long time free, had oppor­tu­ni­ty to destroy evi­dence of their crime and con­tin­ue it unhin­dered through laun­der­ing the pro­ceeds stolen from the Russ­ian peo­ple via bank wire trans­fers,” said Ms. Mag­nit­skaya’s application.


Sergei Mag­nit­sky’s moth­er’s appli­ca­tion asks Chai­ka whether the infor­ma­tion he had dis­sem­i­nat­ed was his per­son­al opin­ion, or his offi­cial con­clu­sion as Gen­er­al pros­e­cu­tor of Rus­sia tasked by Russ­ian pres­i­dent to per­son­al­ly over­see all cas­es con­nect­ed to Sergei Mag­nit­sky. The reply from Pros­e­cu­tor Chai­ka to Mag­nit­sky’s moth­er appli­ca­tion is yet not known.


For more infor­ma­tion please contact: 


Jus­tice for Sergei Magnitsky


+44 207 440 1777


Twit­ter: @KatieFisher__


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