Magnitsky Family Lawyer Thrown off Top Floor Apartment in Moscow, Now in Critical Condition

March 21, 2017

Press Release

For Imme­di­ate Distribution


Mag­nit­sky Fam­i­ly Lawyer Thrown off Top Floor Apart­ment in Moscow, Now in Crit­i­cal Condition


21 March 2017 – Russ­ian lawyer Niko­lai Gorokhov, who rep­re­sents Sergei Magnitsky’s fam­i­ly, has been thrown from the top floor of his apart­ment build­ing ear­li­er today and is cur­rent­ly hos­pi­tal­ized in the inten­sive care unit of Botkin hos­pi­tal in Moscow with severe head injuries.


Niko­lia Gorokhov is a key wit­ness in the US Gov­ern­men­t’s case against Pre­ve­zon Hold­ings, a Cyprus com­pa­ny owned by Denis Kat­syv, son of senior Russ­ian Gov­ern­ment offi­cial Petr Kat­syv. The tri­al is sched­uled to begin in the Fed­er­al court in New York on May 15th 2017. The tri­al is in rela­tion to alleged mon­ey laun­der­ing by Pre­ve­zon of pro­ceeds of US$230 mil­lion fraud that Sergei Mag­nit­sky uncov­ered and was killed for expos­ing in 2009 at the
age of 37.


Tomor­row morn­ing, at 10:50 am, Niko­lai Gorokhov was sched­uled to appear in front of the Moscow City Appeals Court to argue against the Tver­skoi Dis­trict Court’s refusal to con­sid­er a new crim­i­nal com­plaint filed by Sergei Magnitsky’s moth­er in rela­tion to the dis­cov­ery of “Pavlov Leaks” – a series of elec­tron­ic com­mu­ni­ca­tions between Russ­ian lawyer Andrei Palvov and oth­er mem­bers and asso­ciates in the Klyuev Orga­nized Crime Group. The Pavlov Leaks show col­lu­sion of those respon­si­ble for the $230 mil­lion fraud uncov­ered by Sergei Mag­nit­sky and police offi­cers assigned to inves­ti­gate the US$230 mil­lion fraud and Magnitsky’s death in custody.

Mr Gorokhov, 53 years old, works with Pri­or­itet bar cham­bers in Moscow. He is a well-known lawyer, who pre­vi­ous­ly worked as inves­ti­ga­tor in the prosecutor’s office.


In 2011, Niko­lai Gorokhov vol­un­teered to rep­re­sent the Mag­nit­sky fam­i­ly in their fight for jus­tice for Sergei Mag­nit­sky. He has since filed numer­ous com­plaints and appeals seek­ing inves­ti­ga­tion of Sergei Magnitsky’s tor­ture and mur­der in Moscow police cus­tody. Despite the numer­ous com­plaints, the Russ­ian author­i­ties closed the inves­ti­ga­tion into Magnitsky’s mur­der for lack of crime, and posthu­mous­ly accused Sergei Mag­nit­sky him­self of per­pe­trat­ing the $230 mln fraud. Offi­cials he had impli­cat­ed in the US$230 mln fraud have been since giv­en state hon­ors, pro­mot­ed and exon­er­at­ed from any lia­bil­i­ty by the Russ­ian government.



For more infor­ma­tion, please contact:


Jus­tice for Sergei Magnitsky

+44 207 440 1777




3 Responses to “Magnitsky Family Lawyer Thrown off Top Floor Apartment in Moscow, Now in Critical Condition”

  1. Lawyer For Russian Whistleblower's Family Falls From Building One Day Before Hearing - LiberalVoiceLiberalVoice — Your source for everything about liberals and progressives! — News and tweets about everything liberals and progressives on March 22nd, 2017 01:10

    […] Putin and the man Mag­nit­sky was work­ing for when he was arrest­ed, wrote that Gorokhov was “thrown from the top floor of his apart­ment build­ing” and is cur­rent­ly hos­pi­tal­ized with severe head injuries in the inten­sive care unit at […]

  2. Judy McKee on March 22nd, 2017 02:50

    I am an ordi­nary Unit­ed States cit­i­zen. I read your book. I am speech­less at this lat­est tragedy.

  3. Boris Ezhov on March 22nd, 2017 07:58

    I am afraid that can be a new attempt of this lawyer polit­i­cal assas­i­na­tion like that was already twice com­mit­ed against Vladimir Kara­murza from Open Rus­sia this year before.

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