UK High Court Orders Arrest of Pavel Karpov, Former Russian Policeman in the Magnitsky Case, for Contempt of Court

May 25, 2017

Press Release
For Imme­di­ate Distribution

UK High Court Orders Arrest of Pavel Kar­pov, For­mer Russ­ian Police­man in the Mag­nit­sky Case, for Con­tempt of Court
25 May 2017 – Today, UK High Court judge Mr Jus­tice Had­don-Cave issued an arrest war­rant for for­mer Russ­ian police­man Major Pavel Kar­pov, one of the key play­ers in the Mag­nit­sky affair, for con­tempt of court and disobedience.
The arrest war­rant was issued due to Karpov’s breach of court orders in rela­tion to his fail­ure to pay £650,000 of Hermitage’s legal costs after Kar­pov’s libel suit against Her­mitage was struck out in 2013 by the UK High Court as an abuse of process. At the time, Pavel Kar­pov was ordered to pay Her­mitage’s legal costs, which he failed to do.
The UK High Court ordered Pavel Kar­pov to attend court for ques­tion­ing about his assets. In reply, Kar­pov sent a mock­ing poem to Hermitage’s lawyers (see in full below).
In Sep­tem­ber 2016, Pavel Kar­pov was found by the UK High Court in con­tempt of court. He was giv­en a sus­pend­ed three-month sen­tence. In response, Kar­pov told Russ­ian news agency Inter­fax: “I sought after pro­tec­tion from the Lon­don Court, but now I need pro­tec­tion from this Court.”
After Kar­pov failed to attend anoth­er hear­ing last Decem­ber, at today’s hear­ing Mr Jus­tice Had­don-Cave ordered an arrest of Pavel Karpov.
“It is ordered that the bailiffs and con­sta­bles are required to arrest the Claimant [Pavel Kar­pov] and to bring him before a judge to con­sid­er whether a com­mit­tal order should be dis­charged,” said Mr Jus­tice Had­don-Cave in his judgment.
“This war­rant means that Pavel Kar­pov will be arrest­ed the moment he sets foot on British soil. It also sends a pow­er­ful mes­sage to peo­ple around the world that the British court sys­tem can’t be abused by libel tourists,” said William Brow­der, head of the Glob­al Mag­nit­sky Jus­tice Campaign.
For more infor­ma­tion, please contact:

Jus­tice for Sergei Magnitsky
+44 207 440 1777
 — — —
Pavel Kar­pov’s mock­ing poem sent to Hermitage’s Lawyers in July 2016 (trans­lat­ed from Russian):
I waste a lot of mon­ey and my nerves in LONDON court,
With­in the process with FOUR CONDOMs,
Who think that they can lie and lie,
And in the Par­lia­ment and Con­gress telling bullshit. 
You have reject­ed me in LON­DONes, in RUSSIA sort of do the same,
So where for me, to smash your ugly mugs !?
Remind­ing you about my 8 mil,
Which owned by you already for a year!
Your prison cell is dusty now,
Bill seems for­get about years nine!?
The stronger one who has the truth on side, 
About this, the film was made,
Thanks to Andrei, unbeat­able Nekrasov!
You made some movies, the board­ers close for me, 
Unleash­ing Fel­gin dog to dig some dirt on me.
You sent your script to HOLLYWOOD heroically,
While push­ing your RED NOTES to the world.
I have no PRINCESS and RIVA do not have,
On ROBINSON with FAL­CONi, I look at them in journals.
I waves dis­sect on mat­tress in Crimea,
July I spent in junior suite in INTURIST.
Are far away some­where in Tagil.
My GUCCI jack­et worn out some time ago,
How­ev­er RAY BAN, D&G, you nev­er get from me, 
The same is true with my BRIONI.
I do receive my 17k –ish every month, from Sber(bank),
And you could count on just a few of it.
My rich of soul you nev­er get,
That leave you with to suck!


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