Newsweek: Where Vultures Prey

October 17, 2009

Last month Dmit­ry Medvedev set out his bold new vision of a “more civ­i­lized” Rus­sia, no longer prone to the “legal nihilism” that has rot­ted the fab­ric of Russ­ian cap­i­tal­ism and turned the courts and police into tools for set­tling pri­vate busi­ness dis­putes. Many hoped that such a pow­er­ful sig­nal from the pres­i­dent would set Rus­sia on course to estab­lish the rule of law. Now, a high-pro­file test case will show who runs Rus­sia — crooks with offi­cial con­nec­tions, or the state itself. This week a crim­i­nal suit filed in a Moscow court details a scam in which senior bureau­crats, judges, and police defraud­ed the Russ­ian tax­pay­er of half a bil­lion dol­lars — and then used the courts to per­se­cute the scam’s vic­tims when they tried to blow the whistle.

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CNBC: Raided by the Russians

October 16, 2009

William Brow­der’s firm was once the largest investor in Rus­sia, but after the Russ­ian gov­ern­ment raid­ed his busi­ness, its val­ue is down to zero, with William Brow­der, Her­mitage Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment CEO and CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo.

CNN: William Browder on corruption

October 14, 2009

Bill Brow­der is fore­most amongst the doubters. His invest­ment fund was once the biggest for­eign investor in Rus­sia, but he says his meth­ods expos­ing cor­rup­tion and poor cor­po­rate gov­er­nance in the com­pa­nies he invest­ed in, angered the Russ­ian author­i­ties, got his assets seized and his visa revoked, though Rus­sia has denied tar­get­ing him.

BILL BROWDER, HERMITAGE CAPITAL: As a long-term invest­ment, Rus­sia is too risky. As a short-term invest­ment, there are many moments when it could make sense. But the prob­lem with the Rus­sia is you can’t pre­dict whether your prop­er­ty will be left to its own devices or tak­en away at any moment because some­body wants it because it’s valuable.

Russian Corruption Claims Hit YouTube

October 13, 2009

William Brow­der, the founder of Her­mitage Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment, found a new way to get his alle­ga­tions of Russ­ian cor­rup­tion out to the pub­lic: YouTube. Brow­der spoke to CNBC about the strategy.

Brow­der, who claims to have been the vic­tim of a cor­rup­tion ring that took $230 mil­lion, has been fight­ing for his sto­ry to be heard for sev­er­al years, with min­i­mal suc­cess. If true, the case would amount to the biggest tax fraud in Russ­ian history.

We have a com­pli­cat­ed sto­ry to tell about how the gov­ern­ment stole our com­pa­nies and then used our com­pa­nies to steal $230 mil­lion from them­selves — a bunch of crooks and gov­ern­ment offi­cials,” Brow­der told CNBC Monday.

To read the full sto­ry vis­it CNBC web­site:

Радио Свобода: Обвинения в интернете: история фонда Hermitage и дело против Сергея Магницкого

October 9, 2009

24 ноября прошлого года по подозрению в уклонении от уплаты налогов в крупном размере в Москве был арестован глава аудиторской компании Fire­stone Dun­can Сергей Магницкий. В четверг, 8 октября, ему были предъявлены официальные обвинения. Клиентом этой компании был инвестиционный фонд Her­mitage, когда-то самый крупный инвестиционный фонд в России, но уничтоженный после того, как его основателю и исполнительному директору Уильяму Браудеру было в 2005 году отказано во въезде в Россию. Любопытно, что при этом были возбуждены дела и против адвокатов фонда, которые сейчас находятся в Лондоне.

В четверг же фонд Her­mitage выставил в Интернете видеорассказ, в котором утверждается, что дело против Магницкого было заведено как часть преступной кампании против фонда. Причем в ходе этой кампании были украдены деньги из российского бюджета. Глава фонда Her­mitage Уильям Браудер дал интервью Радио Свобода.

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