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Statement in Response to Representative Dana Rohrabacher’s Remarks at the House Foreign Affairs Committee Mark-up on Global Magnitsky
May 19, 2016
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Statement in Response to Representative Dana Rohrabacher’s Remarks at the House Foreign Affairs Committee Mark-up on Global Magnitsky
19 May 2016 – On 18 May 2016, the U.S. House Foreign Relations Committee passed the Global Magnitsky bill, which creates consequences for corrupt officials and human rights abusers around the world in the form of visa bans and asset freezes.
During the mark-up of the bill, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, from Orange County, California, proposed an amendment to exclude Magnitsky’s name from the title of the bill. To justify his amendment, Congressman Rohrabacher referred to a “confusing situation” and “serious questions” that “Magnitsky was being held [in Russian detention] because the Russian Government knew that there was $230 million of tax liability that they did not have the funds, that Mr Browder, that was his tax liability.”
Congressman Rohrabacher’s remarks imply that Hermitage did not pay the US$230 million in taxes to the Russian government, and the Russian government was concerned about recovering these funds from the start. These claims are wrong, and are contradicted by the facts and publicly available documents, including:
(i) Documentary evidence that the US$230 million in taxes had been paid by the Hermitage Fund’s Russian companies to the Russian government in 2006,
ii) Documentary evidence that those US$230 million were stolen a year later through a massive fraud perpetrated by a Russian criminal organisation comprising Russian officials, who stole Hermitage companies and then approved in one day the wire transfers of US$230 million away from the Russian treasury to accounts opened by known Russian criminals to a bank owned by a convicted Russian criminal;
(iii) Documentary evidence that Russian authorities ignored Hermitage’s original reports and complaints about the US$230 million fraud,
(iv) Documentary evidence that the Russian authorities did not look for the stolen money, and instead organised retaliatory criminal cases against Hermitage’s Russian lawyers including Sergei Magnitsky.
The facts of the US$230 million fraud abetted by Russian officials are described in contemporaneous complaints filed by Hermitage, as well as in testimonies given by Sergey Magnitsky naming the perpetrators, bank statements provided by whistleblower Alexander Perepilichnyy showing the acquisition of multi-million dollar properties and cash going to accounts of and for the benefit of Russian officials involved with the US$230 million fraud, millions of dollars in assets and lavish lifestyles of Russian officials implicated in Magnitsky’s testimony for their role in the US$230 million fraud, and, most recently, the Panama Papers’ leak showing some of the stolen US$230 million reaching the corporate account of Sergei Roldugin, a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Congressman Rohrabacher’s remarks are also contradicted by findings of independent authoritative bodies, including the Council of Europe, who conducted a year-long independent investigation of the Magnitsky case, and summarized its conclusions in a detailed report adopted in January 2014, called “Refusing Impunity for the Killers of Sergei Magnitsky.” The reportfound the existence in Russia of a “massive cover-up involving senior officials of the competent ministries, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Investigative Committee and even certain courts” and urged that “the cover-up must be reversed and the true culprits must be held to account.”
In support of his remarks against Browder, Congressman Rohrabacher brought up two articles which presented attacks on Browder by the legal defense team of Denis Katsyv, the son of a Russian official, who is unsuccessfully trying to appeal a US court order and unfreeze US$14 million of his assets seized under the US Government’s money laundering and civil forfeiture action in relation to the Magnitsky case. The U.S. Department of Justice has described Katsyv’s allegations in relation to William Browder as “false,”“wild”, and “untrue,” and his conduct — as “egregious” and “inexcusable.”
Congressman Rohrabacher also criticized Browder for threatening legal action against NBC. The story he is referring to was an attempt by NBC’s reporter Ken Dilanian to repeat allegations from Katsyv’s team that Sergei Magnitsky wasn’t beaten in custody and was never a whistle-blower. Both claims were in contradiction to publicly available evidence from the Russian Government. Prominent Russian human rights defenders, Ludmila Alexeeva and Valery Borschev, who personally investigated the Magnitsky case, spoke out against Ken Dilanian’s attempt to misrepresent key facts about the Magnitsky’s case in public statements and in an open letter to NBC Universal CEO Steve Burke. Ken Dilanian had previously allowed his sources to influence or write his content.
After Rohrabacher’s intervention, the House Foreign Affairs Committee subsequently voted to reject his amendment and passed the Global Magnitsky bill, which will now be up for a vote on the House floor. The date of the vote is not known yet.
The Global Magnitsky bill is named after Sergei Magnitsky, Hermitage’s lawyer who in 2007 – 2008 uncovered a massive fraud perpetrated by Russian officials and organised criminals to steal US$230 million that the three companies of the Hermitage Fund had paid to the Russian government in profit tax a year before, in 2006. Sergei Magnitsky testified about the fraud, named officials involved, was then arrested by implicated officials, kept in custody without trial for 358 days in torturous conditions, denied family visits and medical care, and was killed on 16 November 2009 at the age of 37, leaving a mother, a wife and two children.
In 2010, Sergei Magnitsky was posthumously awarded by Transparency International, a global anti-corruption organisation, with ‘Integrity Award’ in recognition of his stance against Russian corruption and official abuse.
For more information, please contact:
Justice for Sergei Magnitsky
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org

Senators Cardin and McCain Call for a Swift Passage of Global Magnitsky After Clearing the House Foreign Affairs Committee
May 19, 2016
For Immediate distribution
Senators Cardin and McCain Call for a Swift Passage of Global Magnitsky After Clearing the House Foreign Affairs Committee
19 May 2016 – Following yesterday’s approval of the Global Magnitsky Human Rights bill by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Senators Cardin and McCain called on the House speaker to swiftly bring it to a vote.
“For too long in too many countries, perpetrators of human rights violations and grand corruption have not been held to account for their crimes and yet continue to enjoy travel and financial privileges in the United States. With today’s House Foreign Affairs Committee passage of the Global Magnitsky Human Rights and Accountability Act, we are one step closer to preventing such impunity, — said Senators Ben Cardin and John McCain in a joint statement. — We …call on Speaker Ryan to ensure a full House vote on Global Magnitsky without delay.”
Cardin and McCain, the two original co-sponsors of the Global Magnitsky bill, spoke about the importance of Sergei Magnitsky’s legacy.
“The bill is named for Sergei Magnitsky, who has the unfortunate distinction of serving as a prime example of the corrupt, horrific crimes that befall countless innocent people worldwide. Mr. Magnitsky lost his life for simply doing his job and trying to do the right thing when he discovered widespread fraud and abuse of power in Russia. Just like Magnitsky, human rights defenders are victimized and stigmatized around the globe,” said senators Cardin and McCain.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee rejected an amendment proposed by 68-year old Congressman Dana Rohrabacher seeking to remove the name of Magnitsky from the Global Human Rights bill. To justify his amendment, Congressman Rohrabacher claimed he could not figure out who stole US$230 million from the Russian budget – Sergei Magnitsky or Russian officials. This is despite the fact that the money has been found in the accounts of Russian officials and their families and most recently, through the Panama Papers, on account of Sergei Roldugin, a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Other Congressmen firmly rejected Congressman Rohrabacher’s amendment describing it as an unacceptable attempt to “rewrite history.”
Congressman Connolly said that it was important to call out behaviour of President Putin which did not adhere to international norms, “whether in Crimea or in a prison cell.”
Russian veteran human rights defender Ludmila Alexeeva, chair of the Moscow Helsinki Group, sent a message to members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee ahead of the mark up, stating:
“Congressman Dana Rohrabacher has been fooled by the Russian disinformation, and has argued that the name of Sergei Magnitsky be dropped from the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Bill. To do this would be a gross betrayal of the human rights movement, and of the legacy of Sergei Magnitsky who had stoically sacrificed his life in confronting corruption and official abuse in Russia. … To remove his name from the Global Magnitsky Human Rights bill would be a sellout of victims of oppression and abuse everywhere around the world, whom Serge Magnitsky has given hope, and of the principles of integrity he had paid with his life.”
During the mark-up, congressman Engel said the Global Magnitsky bill would show to all that human rights abuse and corruption cannot go on with impunity:
“This legislation would send a powerful message that human-rights abusers and corruption aren’t just internal matters. They are the concern of all countries, and they should not be permitted to go on with impunity.”
On the eve of the Global Magnitsky bill’s mark-up, Russian authorities announced a new criminal case against Alexei Navalny, the Russian anti-corruption activist and Magnitsky sanctions supporter. The new case was opened in response to a complaint from ex police officer Pavel Karpov, who has been sanctioned by the US and the European Parliament for his role in Magnitsky case.
Last month, the Russian authorities also announced another criminal probe opened on another spurious application of Pavel Karpov against Alexei Navalny and William Browder for murder of Sergei Magnitsky in Russian police custody, as part of a CIA plan.
“The reason for the most recent attack on civil society leaders and outburst of the Russian disinformation on the Magnitsky case is the fear of corrupt Russian officials to not be able to enjoy the fruits of their corruption in the West as a result of Magnitsky sanctions. To fight the Magnitsky sanctions, they use fabricated criminal cases, and disinformation both inside the country and in the West. Russian civil society leaders and independent media have been almost completely shut down, while the Russian population is fed a diet of myths and disinformation,” said William Browder, a leader of the global justice for Sergei Magnitsky movement and author of “Red Notice: How I Became Putin’s No 1 Enemy.”
Sergei Magnitsky, who exposed the theft of US$230 million from the Russian budget and gave testimony implicating government officials, was arrested and killed in Moscow detention center in November 2009. Those responsible for his death and those he exposed for the US$230 million theft have not been brought to justice.
Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act passed the U.S. Senate vote in December 2015.
For more information, please contact
Justice for Sergei Magnitsky
+44 207 440 1777
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org

В преддверии принятия в США «Глобального Акта о правах человека имени Магнитского» Россия предпринимает меры по запугиванию российских гражданских активистов
May 18, 2016
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В преддверии принятия в США «Глобального Акта о правах человека имени Магнитского» Россия предпринимает меры по запугиванию российских гражданских активистов
18 мая 2016 года – В преддверии принятия в США «Глобального Акта о правах человека имени Магнитского» Россия предпринимает меры по запугиванию гражданских активистов, которые выступают за закон Магнитского и предусматриваемые им санкции в отношении чиновников-коррупционеров и нарушителей прав человека.
На сегодня на 10 утра в Комитете по международным делам Палаты представителей Конгресса США запланировано слушание по глобальному законопроекту Магнитского, уже прошедшему обсуждение в Сенате США.
За сутки до обсуждения в комитете Конгресса «Глобального Акта Магнитского» прокремлевские СМИ объявили о возбуждении уголовного дела за клевету по заявлению фигуранта списка Магнитского Павла Карпова против Алексея Навального, активного сторонника санкций Магнитского.
«Действия российских властей имеют главной целью — запугать гражданское общество и заставить всех активных людей замолчать в страхе перед террором или покинуть страну. Российские власти делают все для того, чтобы в условиях уже и так практически полной цензуры, голос гражданских активистов не был услышан на Западе, чтобы «зачистить» туда дорогу прокремлевской дезинформации. Мы уверены в том, что Кремлю не удастся запугать всех и сломить стремление гражданского общества к справедливости», — сказал представитель «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского».
Павел Карпов, подавший заявление о клевете в отношении Алексея Навального, на которое российские правоохранительные органы стремительно отреагировали возбуждением уголовного дела, – бывший следователь ГСУ МВД РФ по г. Москве, в отношении которого Магнитский дал показания о его причастности к мошеннической схеме, по которой были украдены компании международного фонда Hermitage и заплаченные ими в бюджет в виде налогов 5,4 миллиардов рублей. Доход многократно превышающий его официальную зарплату Карпов объяснял занятием параллельно с госслужбой в полиции предпринимательской деятельностью, связанной с дизайном и торговлей элитными винами.
В апреле 2013 года правительством США Карпов был включен в санкционный список Магнитского. В апреле 2014 года Карпов был включен в санкционный список Магнитского, одобренный Европарламентом.
Одновременно с атакой на гражданских активистов внутри страны лоббисты и адвокаты сына российского чиновника (№65 в списке богатейших чиновников России по данным «Форбс» Петра Кацыва) Дениса Кацыва, в отношении компаний которого Прокуратурой США подан иск об отмывании на территории США части 5,4 миллиардов рублей, похищенных из бюджета Российской Федерации в рамках мошеннической схемы, вскрытой Сергеем Магнитским, и имущество которого на 14 миллионов долларов заморожено по этому иску, пытаются оказать давление на американских конгрессменов и заставить их исключить имя Сергея Магнитского из наименования глобального законопроекта о правах человека. В рамках этой кампании они распространяют о нем лживую версию российских властей.
Для российского правозащитного сообщества принципиальным в глобальном законопроекте является имя Сергея Магнитского как символа противостояния беззаконию и нарушению прав человека.
В заявлении Людмилы Алексеевой, главы Московской Хельсинкской группы, направленном руководителю Комитета по международным делам Палаты представителей Конгресса, говорится:
«Он [Сергей Магнитский] раскрыл для всех, что сегодняшние нарушители прав человека ценят более всего: деньги, которые они украли у собственного народа. Устранение имени Сергея Магнитского из текста законопроекта было бы предательством всех жертв беззакония во всем мире, которым Сергей Магнитский дал надежду, а также предательством тех самых принципов, за которые он заплатил своей жизнью.»
Программа «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского»
+44 207 440 1777
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org
Twitter: @Billbrowder

Немецкий телеканал ZDFотказал в прокате про-кремлевской пропаганды Некрасова
May 16, 2016
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Немецкий телеканал ZDFотказал в прокате про-кремлевской пропаганды Некрасова
16 May 2016 – Немецкий телеканал «ZDF» официально подтвердил свой отказ в прокате оскорбительного и лживого фильма «Сергей Магнитский, за кулисами» про-путинского режиссера Андрея Некрасова.
Немецкая телевещательная корпорация «ZDF» поддержала позицию французского телеканала культуры «ARTE», сообщившего об отказе показа фильма Некрасова. Ранее фильм Некрасова был также запрещен к показу на частном мероприятии в здании Европарламента (27 апреля 2016г.), организованном подругой Некрасова, финским депутатом Хейди Хаутала, из-за противоречащего фактам и клеветнического содержания о Сергее Магнитском. Фильм так называемого диссидента Некрасова был с помпой анонсирован российскими государственными каналами и должен был стать отправной точкой беспрецедентной пиар-кампании по обе стороны Атлантики по отмене Акта Магнитского, вводящего ограничения на въезд и замораживание активов российских коррумпированных чиновников по всему миру.
«Фильм Андрея Некрасова является подлогом в его самой низменной форме, где автор не стыдится откровенно лгать и оскорблять память Сергея Магнитского – человека, разоблачившего преступную группу чиновников и бандитов, воровавших у российских граждан миллиарды рублей на протяжении многих лет, за это отдал свою жизнь», — сказал представитель программы «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского».
Попытка Некрасова посмертно оклеветать Сергея Магнитского вызвала резкий протест со стороны семьи Магнитского.
«Этим письмом семья Сергея выражает крайне негативное отношение к данному фильму, свой протест против бессовестных попыток очернить имя Сергея Магнитского. Мы категорически против публичной демонстрации киноленты Андрея Некрасова, против распространения этого фильма в различных вариантах», — сказано в заявлении семьи Магнитского.
«Вероятно, господину Некрасову кажется нормальным, что человека, который является только обвиняемым, на которого распространяется презумпция невиновности, избивают, закованного в наручники, если Некрасов с такой иронией рассказывает зрителю об избиении Сергея», — говорится в заявлении семьи Магнитского.
«Господин Некрасов не оригинален, в России подобные лживые фильмы и передачи демонстрируются постоянно с целью очернить имя Сергея Магнитского и постараться оправдать лиц, которые причастны к его смерти, – сказано в заявлении. — Мы считаем, что фильм Андрея Некрасова, основанный на его измышлениях, а не на документах и фактах, унижает достоинство Сергея Магнитского, унижает умершего человека, который не может себя защитить. Этот фильм сделан в интересах тех, кого пугает правда, раскрытая Сергеем Магнитским».
Программа «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского»
+44 207 440 1777
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org
Twitter: @Billbrowder

German TV Station ZDF Confirmed It Will Not Show Nekrasov’s Anti-Magnitsky Propaganda Film
May 16, 2016
For Immediate distribution
German TV Station ZDF Confirmed It Will Not Show Nekrasov’s Anti-Magnitsky Propaganda Film
16 May 2016 – ZDF, a German public-service television broadcaster, has confirmed that they will not show Andrei Nerkrasov’s anti-Magnitsky propaganda film. Previously, Sergei Magnitsky’s widow and mother expressed their categorical objection to distribution in any form of the Nekrasov’s film about Sergei Magnitsky because of its false and slanderous content.
ZDF has now formally confirmed its commitment to not broadcast Nekrasov’s film. This follows a similar commitment by the French TV network ARTE.
“This film is full of lies and misinformation about the Magnitsky case,” said William Browder, leader of the global Justice campaign for Sergei Magnitsky and author of the New York Times best-seller “Red Notice: How I Became Putin’s No 1 Enemy.”
“It is my duty to Sergei’s memory and to his family to preserve the truth and protect his legacy,” continued Browder.
Nekrasov’s film contains false statements about Sergei Magnitsky, which are refuted by independent international bodies, including the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, comprising delegates from 47 states, the European Parliament, the US Department, and the US Congress, among others.
Russian human rights activists, including veteran dissident and head of the Moscow Helsinki Group Ludmila Alexeeva and Valery Borschev, head of the Moscow human rights commission, who investigated Magnitsky’s death, spoke out against the attempts by Andrei Nekrasov to spread the lies in this case for the benefit of those who have been exposed by Magnitsky’s testimony of involvement in the fraud and broader corruption arising out of Panama Papers, and are being affected by Magnitsky sanctions (Statement by Ludmila Alexeeva: http://www.novayagazeta.ru/politics/72940.html; Statement by Valery Borschev: http://www.novayagazeta.ru/politics/72931.html).
Nekrasov’s anti-Magnitsky film was scheduled for broadcast on ARTE, a Franco-German cultural TV network, on 3 May 2016. ARTE has cancelled the scheduled broadcast of Nekrasov’s anti-Magnitsky film, and ZDF has now confirmed that it will not show this film.
The decision not to broadcast Nekrasov’s film by ZDF and ARTE follow the earlier decision not to air the Nekrasov’s film at the European Parliament for similar reasons. The screening of Nekrasov’s film was originally scheduled there as a private initiative of Heidi Hautala, Andrei Nekrasov’s girlfriend and a member of the European parliament from Finland.
ZDF is based in Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate. It is run as an independent non-profit institution, which was founded by all federal states of Germany.
For more information, please contact:
Justice for Sergei Magnitsky
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org