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Two Russians Included in the European Parliament’s Magnitsky List Welcomed at the European Parliament for Anti-Magnitsky Event
April 29, 2016
For Immediate Distribution
Two Russians Included in the European Parliament’s Magnitsky List Welcomed at the European Parliament for Anti-Magnitsky Event
29 April 2016 – Two Russians on the European Parliament’s Magnitsky Sanctions List were welcomed at the European parliament for the premiere of a film by a Russian filmmaker Andrei Nekrasov, defaming the memory of Sergei Magnitsky.
Among those present in the audience in Brussels on April 27th were ex police officer Pavel Karpov, named in Sergei Magnitsky’s testimony for his role in the custody of documents and files, used in the fraud to steal $230 million from the Russian government, and Andrei Pavlov, the lawyer who took part in sham court proceedings, described in Sergei Magnitsky’s testimony as part of that same crime.
Pavel Karpov and Andrei Pavlov are No 7 and No 15 on the European Parliament’s Magnitsky list, which recommends the European Council to impose visa sanctions and asset freezes on those who were involved in the crimes against Sergei Magnitsky.
#7: KARPOV, Pavel, born 27 August 1977;
#15: PAVLOV, Andrey (a.k.a. Pavlov, Andrei), born 7 August 1977;
In his testimony on the fraud, Sergei Magnitsky described the roles of both Pavel Karpov and Andrei Pavlov. In particular, Sergei Magnitsky said in his 5 June 2008 testimony:
“Many times the lawyer of Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited and the company’s representatives requested Investigator P.A. Karpov to return the seized documents that were not related to the case investigated by P.A. Karpov, but the investigator kept delaying the return of the documents saying that there were many documents and it took him much time to finish examining them.”
“I can confirm that the seized folders, which I also used in my work, contained the originals of the latest editions of the Articles of Association of LLC Kameya, LLC Parfenion, LLC Rilend and LLC Makhaon, the original certificates of the tax registration, the original certificates of the legal entity state registration, the original Minutes of meetings and resolutions of the sole participants of the companies, the original legalized certificates confirming the residency of the companies’ participants and some other documents,” testified Sergei Magnitsky.
In his testimony Sergei Magnitsky described fictitious claims filed against Hermitage’s companies in Russia and the appearance of Pavlov in those sham court proceedings:
“Almost at once it became clear that the filing and consideration of the said claims were associated with fraudulent actions because as it followed from the decisions of the Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg and the Leningrad Region dated 3 and 7 September 2007, the court hearings had been attended by the LLC Makhaon representative Yu.M. Maiorova and the LLC Rilend representative A.A. Pavlov, who presented Powers of Attorney said to be issued by those companies and dated 24 August 2007. It means the Powers of Attorney were forged ones because the companies’ seals had been seized and were kept at the Main Investigative Department of the Main Internal Affairs Department of Moscow.”
Four months later, on 7 October 2008, Sergei Magnitsky confirmed his 5 June 2008 testimony and added in his testimony the discovery of “the embezzlement of budget funds that took place in excess of Five Billion rubles, which was obviously committed by the same group of persons that used illegal re-registration of Parfenion LLC, Makhaon LLC, and Rilend LLC and filing claims against those companies as a tool for embezzling money from the state treasury.”
At the event held in the European Parliament seven and half years later, on 27 April 2016, Pavel Karpov was giving interviews to Russian TV stations, and Andrei Pavlov was able to approach Heidi Hautala, MEP from Finland, who hosted the event.
Andrei Pavlov greeting Heidi Hautala, MEP, 27 April 2016
Lithuanian MEP Petras Austrevicius interrupted proceedings in the European Parliament the following day, on 28 April 2016, to draw attention to the fact that two Russian citizens whose names were placed on the European Parliament’s Magnitsky list, had been allowed access to the parliament the previous day.
Mr Austrevicius, MEP, said:
“I deplore this happening within the walls of the European Parliament,” it was, he went on, “an issue of the integrity of our own decisions.”
For more information, please contact:
Justice for Sergei Magnitsky
+44 207 440 1777
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org
Twitter: @Billbrowder
Letter from the Magnitsky Family about the film of Andrei Nekrasov defaming memory of Sergei Magnitsky

Magnitsky Family Blasts the Green Party in the European Parliament for Hosting Premiere of a False and Offensive Film about Sergei Magnitsky by Andrei Nekrasov
April 27, 2016
For Immediate Distribution
Magnitsky Family Blasts the Green Party in the European Parliament for Hosting Premiere of a False and Offensive Film about Sergei Magnitsky by Andrei Nekrasov
27 April 2016 – The widow and mother of Sergei Magnitsky have written to the Green/EFA faction in the European Parliament (see their letter) protesting the premiere of a new false, offensive and defamatory film by Russian filmmaker Andrei Nekrasov about their murdered husband and son. The premiere will take place this afternoon at 5:30 pm at the European Parliament.
The premiere is sponsored at the European Parliament by the Greens/EFA Group, and hosted by Heidi Hautala, Finnish MEP, Vice President of the Green/EFA Group, who was reported in the Finnish press to be filmmaker Andrei Nekrasov’s girlfriend.
The Magnitsky family expressed their indignation in the letter about this new attempt to blacken Sergei Magnitsky’s name. They view this film as promoting the interests of those who Sergei Magnitsky exposed and who are afraid of the truth he had uncovered.
“This film has been made in the interest of those who are scared of the truth uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky, - said Sergei Magnitsky’s mother and widow. - “By this letter the family of Sergei Magnitsky state their highly negative reaction to this film and protest against unconscionable attempts to blacken Sergei Magnitsky’s name. We are categorically against public viewing of the Andrei Nekrasov’s film, against its distribution in any form.”
The letter from the Magnitsky family states that the film contains false information and lies about Sergei Magnitsky. They are categorically against any showing or distribution of this film, including and especially at the European Parliament.
“We believe that the film by Andrei Nekrasov, based on his inventions, and not on documents and facts, is degrading to the dignity of Sergei Magnitsky, degrading to the deceased, who cannot defend himself,” says the letter from the Magnitsky family.
The film by Andrei Nekrasov and producer Torstein Grude of Piraya Films (Norway) is designed to perpetuate a Russian government disinformation campaign about the Magnitsky case for a Western audience. The film claims that Sergei Magnitsky was not beaten in custody, was not a lawyer, did not testify against Russian officials, did not investigate the US$230 million fraud, but instead committed it himself.
These false claims are contradicted by numerous documents. In particular, the claim that he wasn’t beaten is refuted by the photos of his injuries from the state autopsy; his death certificate stating he had a suspected cerebrial cranial injury; certificates from the detention center where he died recording the application of rubber batons; the Russian state forensic opinion finding that Sergei Magnitsky’s injuries were consistent with blunt force trauma.
Magnitsky’s profession as a lawyer is demonstrated by his role in representing his multiple clients in court, providing them legal advice, and his own testimony identifying himself as a lawyer.
The fact that Sergei Magnitsky’s testified against police officers is proven by his testimony from 5 June 2008 in which he described the theft of Hermitage’s companies and fraudulent claims against them, mentioning police officer Kuznetsov 14 times and police officer Karpov 13 times, his 7 October 2008 testimony in which he confirmed his 5 June 2008 testimony and testified that the same group who stole Hermitage’s companies stole US$230 mln from the Russian budget.
The claim that Sergei Magnitsky stole US$230 mln is refuted by the discovery of the illicit proceeds from the fraud on accounts connected to the Russian officials and members of their families; the joint travel of the criminals and Russian government officials involved in the fraud; the fact that Magnitsky helped Hermitage report the crime three weeks before the criminals applied for the fraudulent tax refund, and the fact that the same criminal organisation did similar crimes before and after.
The false and defamatory allegations about Sergei Magnitsky that Nekrasov tries to make have been refuted in the past by independent international institutions including the Council of Europe, the EU Parliament, the US State Department and many others who have studied the case in detail. Furthermore, the allegations in the film are also contradicted by the Russian government’s own evidence, court records, and expert conclusions.
In Sergei Magnitsky’s own hand-written statement, 4 days before his death, on 12 November 2009, he wrote:
“By now it has been a year that I am being held hostage in prison in the interests of the persons, who are interested to ensure that those actually guilty in the theft of 5.4 billion rubles [US$230 million] from the budget will never be brought to justice. … Investigator Silchenko does not want to identify the other persons, who made this fraud possible. He wants the lawyers of the Hermitage Fund, who pursued and continue to pursue attempts for this case be investigated, be forced to emigrate from their country, in which criminal cases were fabricated against them on phony grounds, or like me be detained in custody.
My detention in custody has absolutely nothing in common with the purpose of criminal justice, which I referred to earlier. It has nothing in common with the legal purpose of restraint listed in Article 97 of the Russian Criminal Procedural Code, but this is a punishment to which I have been subjected for merely defending the interests of my client and, ultimately, the interests of the Government, because should my client’s interests be realized, should the law enforcement agencies stop obstructing the interests of my client and instead assisted them, then the theft of 5.4 billion rubles from the state would not be possible. The actual purpose of my criminal prosecution and my detention in custody are in conflict with the law.”
The mother of Sergei Magnitsky has previously written to the producer of the film, but received no reply.
Letter from Sergei Magnitsky Family: http://russian-untouchables.com/docs/Letter%20from%20family%20%20on%20Nekrasov%20movie.pdf
For more information please contact:
Justice for Sergei Magnitsky
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org
Twitter: @Billbrowder

Kremlin’s TV Accused the CIA of a Plot to Cause the Death of Sergei Magnitsky
April 14, 2016
Last night, the Kremlin’s main TV propaganda channel, Rossiya‑1, distributed a video showing fake documents claiming that the CIA had organised the withholding of medical care to Sergei Magnitsky in a Russian detention center to cause his death. To support this claim, the TV channel showed a CIA report dated 20 September 2009, which according to one of the program’s participants, was authenticated in a forensic report by a UK company headed by a senior ex MI‑6 agent.
“The Kremlin’s propaganda is in contradiction with all official Russian documents describing the torturous conditions that had been created by Russian authorities for Sergei Magnitsky during his 358 days in detention and the fact that senior officials in the Russian General Prosecutor’s Office refused his written requests for medical attention,” said a representative of Magnitsky Justice Campaign.
As a result of his mistreatment for the first six months in detention, Sergei Magnitsky lost nearly 20 kg, and developed pancreatitis and gallstones, which were diagnosed on 1 July 2009, as shown by reply from Matrosskaya Tishina detention center. He was prescribed surgery. But one week before the scheduled surgery, Sergei Magnitsky was moved to a new detention center, Butyrka, which did not have any medical facilities. The decision was sanctioned by Russian Interior Ministry investigator Silchenko and serving head of the Russian Penitentiary System Petrukhin. All requests from Sergei Magnitsky and his lawyers for medical care were refused by officials from the Interior Ministry, General Prosecutor’s Office, detention system, and judges (see The Torture and Murder of Sergei Magnitsky report).
In May 2009, the Council of Europe’s Rapporteur asked Russian General Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the torturous conditions Sergei Magnitsky was subjected to in detention. She received an official response that Sergei Magnitsky had not been arrested and that the named police officer did not work in the Russian Interior Ministry. The UK Law Society wrote to Russian General Prosecutor Chaika in July 2009 urging him to release Sergei Magnitsky from custody. In October 2009, General Prosecutor’s Office responded that there was no need to intervene, and that there was no violation of his rights in custody.
On 16 November 2009, after nearly 12 months in custody Sergei Magnitsky was moved from Byturka to Matrosskaya Tishina, allegedly for hospitalisation. But instead of being admitted to the hospital, Sergei Magnitsky was put in an isolation cell and beaten by eight guards. Civilian doctors were not let into his cell until he was dead. In spite of an application from Sergei Magnitsky’s mother to bring to justice over 50 officials from the General Prosecutor’s Office, Interior Ministry, FSB and Penitentiary System for the murder of her son, the Russian Investigative Committee closed the case into his death claiming absence of crime.
The journalist behind yesterday’s fake “evidence” on the alleged CIA Plot to kill Sergei Magnitsky is Evgeniy Popov, who works for Rossiya‑1, and has been sanctioned by Ukraine for his role in the disinformation campaign about the war in Ukraine. Earlier in April, Evgeniy Popov traveled to London to obtain a video footage of William Browder’s office there. Police had to be called in because of disruption he caused.

Обнародованы имена чиновников, лишивших необходимой медицинской помощи Сергея Магнитского
April 14, 2016
Вчера телеканал «Россия‑1» в рубрике «Специальный корреспондент» распространил лживый видеоматериал о погибшем в следственном изоляторе «Матросская тишина» Сергее Магнитском.
В материале среди прочей лжи на основе сфабрикованных материалов утверждается, что 20 сентября 2009 года западные спецслужбы через своих доверенных лиц в системе ФСИН России поставили задачу – убить Сергея Магнитского, лишив его необходимой медицинской помощи.
«Распространять столь вопиющую ложь могут люди, лишенные совести, а воспринимать и обсуждать ее – те, кто готов предать забвению историческую память», — сказал представитель программы «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского».
На самом деле, к моменту так называемой «секретной миссии» Сергей Магнитский уже десять месяцев как удерживался в заключении на основе сфабрикованного обвинения в условиях непрекращающихся истязаний, ночных переводов по камерам, лишения сна, доступа к горячей пище и питьевой воде. В результате этих лишений он потерял в весе около 18 кг, в следственном изоляторе у него развились тяжелые заболевания – панкреатит, холецистит и желчнокаменная болезнь. Лишения, которым подвергался Сергей Магнитский в этот период, были задокументированы в официальном докладе Совета Европы, проект которого был опубликован еще 18 июня 2009 года и направлен спецдокладчиком ПАСЕ Генеральному прокурору РФ и руководителю Следственного комитета РФ, а после смерти Сергея Магнитского нашли отражение в заключении Общественной наблюдательной комиссии г.Москвы по мониторингу соблюдения прав человека в местах содержания под стражей под руководством Валерия Борщева.
Несмотря на выявленные у Сергея Магнитского в заключении 1 июля 2009 года заболевания (см справку следственного изолятора «Матросская тишина» от 14 июля 2009 года, подписанную исполняющим обязанности руководителя Васильевым) и назначение на проведение дальнейшего обследования и хирургической операции, с санкции следователя Следственного комитета при МВД майора Сильченко (письмо от 2 июля 2009 года) и исполняющего обязанности директора ФСИН РФ генерал-лейтенанта Петрухина (письмо от 15 июля 2009 года в адрес Васильева), 25 июля 2009 года Сергея Магнитского перевели из следственного изолятора «Матросская тишина» в следственный изолятор «Бутырка», где отсутствовали условия для оказания ему медицинской помощи и не было даже препарата УЗИ.
С первого дня заключения в СИЗО «Бутырка» — 25 июля 2009 года — Сергею Магнитскому отказывали в оказании любой медицинской помощи, несмотря на его многочисленные устные и письменные обращения и жалобы его адвокатов.
Во всех жалобах на неоказание медицинской помощи было отказано, либо они были проигнорированы. О подробностях отказов в медицинской помощи рассказано в докладе «Пытки и убийство Сергея Магнитского”. Сокрытие правды государственными органами» и книге «Красный циркуляр» Уильяма Браудера, вышедшей в свет в прошлом году.
«Если кто и является агентом в системе российского правосудия, то это Генеральный прокурор Чайка и его подчиненные, отказывавшие в жалобах Сергея Магнитского и игнорировавшие их», — сказал представитель программы «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского».
Несмотря на обращения мамы Сергея Магнитского о привлечении к ответственности за убийство ее сына свыше 50 чиновников МВД, Генеральной прокуратуры, ФСБ и ФСИН, в 2013 году Следственный комитет РФ прекратил уголовное дело о смерти Магнитского за «отсутствием события преступления».
Читайте документы на сайте «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского»:
- 9 августа 2009г. Заявление Сергея Магнитского на имя начальника СИЗО с просьбой принять его лично, так как характер нарушения его прав в СИЗО угрожает здоровью.
- 11 августа 2009г. Просьба Сергея Магнисткого о проведении медицинского обследования в связи с ухудшением самочувствия
- 19 августа 2009г. Заявление адвокатов Магнитского о необходимости проведения ему УЗИ брюшной полости
- 25 августа 2009г. Заявление Магнитского с просьбой о приеме врачем-хирургом
- 25 августа 2009г. Письмо Магнитского адвокату о визите врача
- 26 августа 2009г. Заявление Магнитского начальнику СИЗО в связи с ухудшением самочувствия.
- 11 сентября 2009г. Жалоба адвокатов Магнитского в Генеральную Прокуратуру и СК при МВД РФ о невиновности Магнитского, незаконном преследовании, отказе в необходимой ему медицинской помощи и операции, целенаправленном и методичном оказании давления с целью подавление его воли путем ухудшения условий его содержания и жестокого обращения в СИЗО.
- 20 сентября 2009г. Жалоба Магнитского Генеральному Прокурору РФ на лишение его права на лечение, жестокое обращение, содержание его в унижающих человеческое достоинство условиях, намеренное создание ограничений права и возможностей на защиту
- 23 сентября 2009г. Жалоба адвоката Харитонова Д.В. Генеральному прокурору РФ о невыносимых условиях содержания в СИЗО “Бутырка” Сергея Магнитского и нарушении в отношении него существующих норм и правил содержания заключенных в следственных изоляторах.

Bill Browder’s ‘Red Notice’ –New York Times Bestseller – Is Launched in Paperback in the UK
February 12, 2016
Bill Browder’s ‘Red Notice’ –New York Times Bestseller – Is Launched in Paperback in the UK
12 February 2016 – Bill Browder’s ‘Red Notice’, a best selling real-life thriller about one man’s fight for justice against Russian President Vladimir Putin, is launched this week in paperback in the UK.
‘Red Notice’ won the hearts and minds of readers across the world and became an instant best seller when it was published last year. On Amazon it was rated No 1 in Books on International Business and No 1 in Books on Russia. Enthusiastic audiences have called it “Fabulous, gripping and entertaining!” and a “Chilling book about evil in high places.”
‘Red Notice’ was No 1 in Crime & Punishment on the New York Times best seller list, and topped book charts across the world on business, espionage and human rights.
80% of readers on Amazon gave ‘Red Notice’ a 5‑star rating, with 96% of readers giving it a 4 or 5 star ranking.
‘Red Notice’ was among Amazon’s top ten audio books on History in Europe, and a top business book on Amazon Kindle.
Readers reviews of ‘Red Notice’ on Goodreads and Amazon say:
“This book was absolutely incredible. I couldn’t put it down. It made me cry, it shocked me, it made me want to hug every person who fought so hard to make things right. Incredible!!!”
” I’ve recommended this book many times, and each person who reads it is blown away.”
“This book should be fiction. But it’s not. I was up until 4 a.m. to finish it.”
“Rarely has a book gripped me like this. I didn’t want to do anything else but read it. It is utterly mesmerizing. I loved it, even though I’m not great at understanding financial concepts (the stock market is a totally foreign place to me), but Browder does a good job of explaining things in layman’s terms.”
“I wish I could award more stars. This is, without doubt, the best thing I’ve read this decade. I implore my friends, family, and even those I don’t particularly like to treat yourselves to Red Notice.”
“Wow, just simply wow.”
Red Notice received 3,123 Ratings on Goodreads alone, with 97% of readers liking it.
In the UK, Red Notice hit The Sunday Times best seller list and was one of Daunt’s 2015 books of choice. It was also among the top ten books on the Globe & Mail bestseller list in Canada, and No 6 on the Neilsen Bestseller list in New Zealand.
Red Notice has been featured on CNBC’s “What Wall Street is Reading this Summer” and on Wall Street’s Spring Break Reading List, as well as on New York Times’ End of Summer Reading List.
Red Notice is available in shops, online, and in kindle and audio versions. Information about the book, including purchasing links, can be found on the author’s website, www.billbrowder.com.
Bill Browder,the author of ‘Red Notice,’ was the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia, until he was declared persona non grata by President Putin. Since 2009 Bill Browder has been leading a global justice campaign for his murdered Russian lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, which has so far resulted in the passing of the Magnitsky Law in the United States and similar resolutions in the European Parliament.
For more information please contact:
Justice for Sergei Magnitsky
+44 207 440 1777
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org
Twitter: @Billbrowder