// News and Releases
Cypriot Police Assist Russian Interior Ministry in the Raid in the New Posthumous Case against Sergei Magnitsky
December 1, 2015
Cypriot Police Assist Russian Interior Ministry in the Raid in the New Posthumous Case against Sergei Magnitsky
1 December 2015 – Last week, two senior Russian Interior Ministry officials, Sergei Petryashov (https://35.mvd.ru/news/item/2577609/) and Artem Ranchenkov (http://artprotest.org/cgi-bin/news.pl?&id=5739), along with Cyprus police officers raided the offices of the Hermitage Fund’s corporate law firm in Cyprus.
They interrogated employees and left a 41-point request for corporate documents.
The raid in Nicosia was conducted under the legal assistance request to Cyprus from Russia, where the Russian Interior Ministry is advancing new posthumous criminal proceedings against Sergei Magnitsky and in absentia against William Browder, leader of ‘Justice for Sergei Magnitsky’ campaign, proceedings which have been denounced as improper and politically motivated by the Council of Europe, European Union, OSCE, and INTERPOL.
“It is remarkable that the law enforcement authorities in Cyprus, a country that is a member of the European Union, would agree to become directly involved in assisting the Russian officials in a case that has been universally condemned around the world,” said a representative of Justice for Sergei Magnitsky campaign.
The Cyprus raid was authorised by the Cyprus Ministry of Justice, and Cyprus police officers Lieutenant Chr. Christodoulou and Christina Papaavraam. These same Cypriot police officers are also in charge of investigating Hermitage’s complaints about the role of Cyprus in the $230 million fraud scheme and laundering of proceeds through Cyprus, in which Russian Interior Ministry had been implicated. The proceedings in Cyprus became necessary after Russian government protected the perpetrators, and exonerated all its officials from responsibility.
“Instead of prosecuting those responsible for the massive Russian fraud, which also victimised Cypriot companies of the Hermitage Fund, and for the laundering of the millions in fraud proceeds through Cyprus, Cypriot government bodies have now joined corrupt Russian officials in the cover up of the fraud,” said a representative of Justice for Sergei Magnitsky campaign.
“The same Cyprus officials who are investigating the criminal complaints from Hermitage about the fraud and the complicity of the Russian Interior Ministry, are now helping Russian officials to attack the victim of the crime outside of Russia,” said a representative of Justice for Sergei Magnitsky campaign.
In addition to their participation in the Cyprus raid, Russian Interior Ministry officials Petryashov and Ranchenkov have blocked efforts of Sergei Magnitsky’s mother to challenge the posthumous proceedings and identify those who benefited from her son’s death.
Under the new Russian proceedings, investigators Petryashov and Ranchenkov are accusing Sergei Magnitsky and William Browder of organizing the $230 million fraud that the two had in fact uncovered and reported, and have refused all applications from Sergei Magnitsky’s mother who is seeking justice for her murdered son.
In particular, they refused her requests to review charges, update her on the progress of the investigation, and disclose evidence on which her son is posthumously named a perpetrator of the $230 million fraud he had uncovered, finding that she has “no rights to access the documents or take their copies.”
Russian investigator Artem Ranchenkov was previously an investigator in the Pussy Riot case.
Since 2007, when Hermitage discovered the fraud against its three Russian and two Cypriot companies, it has filed criminal complaints seeking the investigation of the role of Russian government officials in the fraud. The criminal complaints were filed in Russia on 3 December 2007, and in Cyprus on 5 June 2008. The Russian government responded by exonerating all its officials, and mounting an attack on Hermitage’s Russian lawyers. One of them – Sergei Magnitsky — was falsely arrested, tortured for 358 days in detention, and ultimately killed in Russian police custody in November 2009.
Given the impunity in Russia, Hermitage started the “Justice for Sergei Magnitsky” movement, to identify those responsible and benefiting from his death, seeking international investigations by law enforcement authorities around the world, and the imposition of personalised sanctions on them.
As a result of the global campaigning, in December 2012, the US Congress passed a law, Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act, which imposes visa and financial sanctions on those involved in the cover up of Sergei Magnitsky’s ill-treatment and death, and the criminal conspiracy he had uncovered.
In 2013, the US Department of Justice filed a civil forfeiture and money laundering complaint in relation to multi-million dollar properties in New York bought by companies owned by the son of ex Minister of Transportation of the Moscow Region, with allegedly comingled proceeds of the $230 million fraud uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky.
In 2011, the Swiss General Prosecutor opened a money laundering investigation in response to an application from Hermitage, who was recognized as plaintiff, and froze multi-million dollar assets belonging to relatives of Russian government officials, some of whom purchased high-end real estate in Dubai using funds from Swiss accounts suspected to be connected to the $230 million fraud.
Russian authorities have retaliated by seeking assistance from foreign countries and from INTERPOL, the international police organisation, to seek the arrest of the leaders of the Magnitsky Justice campaign abroad, including William Browder.
The Council of Europe has issued two definitive reports on the Hermitage and Magnitsky case, finding that the Russian proceedings against them were politically-motivated, discriminatory, and abusive, and as such legal assistance to Russia must be refused by member states.
The UK authorities, who have received Russian legal assistance requests, have refused them as contrary to UK’s public policy. INTERPOL has also refused the Russian requests in relation to William Browder, finding them to be predominantly political and contrary to INTERPOL’s Constitution.
“In contrast to other countries and international bodies, Cyprus seems to be wilfully ignoring the international condemnation of this case and working directly with the Russian perpetrators to go after their victims abroad,” said a Magnitsky Justice campaigner.
Under Article 12 of the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty between Russia and Cyprus, Cyprus can refuse the provision of legal assistance to Russia where it contradicts fundamental public policy principles.
“Cyprus is a member of Council of Europe, and a signatory to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters which contains safeguards for refusing legal assistance in politically-motivated cases, and it should be urged to do so now”, said a representative of Justice for Sergei Magnitsky campaign.
This is the second time this month that the Cypriot authorities have cooperated with the Russian authorities on politically motivated cases. Earlier this month, Natalia Konovalova, a former associate of a Yukos Oil subsidiary, was extradited from Cyprus to Russia to face politically motivated conviction in connection with Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s case dating from some ten years ago.
Assistance by national judicial authorities in politically-motivated criminal cases breaches a set of international conventions, including the UN Human Rights Convention and the European Human Rights Convention.
For more information please contact:
Justice for Sergei Magnitsky
+44 207 440 1777
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org
Twitter: @KatieFisher__

Boris Nemtsov Posthumously Awarded Sergei Magnitsky 2015 Human Rights Prize for Democracy
November 17, 2015
16 November 2015 – Tonight Boris Nemtsov, the Russian politician who was assassinated near the Kremlin in late February this year, was posthumously awarded the Sergei Magnitsky 2015 Human Rights Prize for Democracy.
“Boris Nemtsov was a courageous man, and a true friend of the Magnitsky Justice campaign. He was a steadfast supporter of our initiative to impose targeted Western sanctions on Russian officials involved in human rights abuse and corruption. Boris shamed weak Western diplomats who tried to appease the Russian leader, because he was convinced that the sanctions are the necessary, effective and morally right way to stand up to Russian official impunity,” said William Browder, leader of the Justice for Sergei Magnitsky campaign.
“Both Boris and Sergei were optimists and believed in a brighter future for Russia. They show us that Russia produces great people with humanity and integrity. Their loss is a tragedy for Russia and the world. The fact that both were killed in cold blood, and in both cases those responsible have not been brought to account, is the call for action. We cannot bring Boris and Sergei back, but we owe it to them to carry on with our cause, to seek justice in the form of further Magnitsky sanctions on corrupt officials and human rights violators by countries around the world,” said William Browder.
The Sergei Magnitsky awards ceremony was held tonight in London on the 6th anniversary of Sergei Magnitsky’s murder in Russian police custody.
Other winners of the Sergei Magnitsky 2015 Human Rights Awards include prominent policy makers, journalists, and human rights activists, who have worked in the spirit of Sergei Magnitsky — with faith, strength and integrity, to reinforce and advance his legacy, and bring about significant change in the international justice and human rights field.
The winners of the 2015 ‘Sergei Magnitsky Human Rights Awards’ are:
1) Boris Nemtsov (posthumously and accepted by his daughter Zhanna Nemtsova), Russian opposition leader (Special Award for Campaigning for Democracy);
2) Guy Verhofstadt, Member of European Parliament (Campaigning European Politician Award), co-author of Magnitsky Sanctions Resolution in the European Parliament;
3) Jim McGovern, U.S. Congressman (Campaigning US Politician Award), co-author of the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act adopted by the US Congress;
4) The Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, an anti-corruption and investigative journalism NGO (Outstanding Investigative Journalism Award, accepted by Paul Radu and Roman Anin) who investigated and publicised the transnational money laundering trail from the $230 million theft uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky;
5) Andrew Rettman, European journalist with EU Observer (Outstanding European Coverage of Magnitsky Case Award) who covered political aspects of the Magnitsky case in the EU;
6) James O’Brien, British journalist, television and radio presenter, and a show host on LBC talk station (Outstanding British Coverage of Magnitsky Case Award) who shamed the British government in their weak response to the Magnitsky case;
7) Geoffrey Robertson QC, international lawyer (Outstanding Contribution to Human Rights Law Award), author of publications on Magnitsky sanctions legislation;
8) The Oslo Freedom Forum, a human rights conference platform (Best Human Rights NGO Award, accepted by Thor Halvorssen) who promoted policy debate on Magnitsky sanctions and human rights; and
9) The Hon. Irwin Cotler, former Attorney General and Justice Minister of Canada (Outstanding Contribution to Global Magnitsky Campaign), author of the Magnitsky bill in the Canadian Parliament, and chair of the Justice for Sergei Magnitsky Inter-Parliamentary Group.
The organising committee of the Global Sergei Magnitsky Human Rights Awards this year consists of activists from major international organizations, including Transparency International, The Henry Jackson Society, Fair Trials International, the Central and Eastern European Council of Canada, and the British Parliament’s All-Party Group on Anti-Corruption.
The Sergei Magnitsky Human Rights Awards, a newly-launched international human rights prize, are advanced by the Magnitsky family as a “beacon of support” for all those who fight injustice around the world, and promoted by the Justice for Magnitsky campaign.
Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer, uncovered the largest publicly-known corruption case in Russia involving the theft of $230 million, and testified about it naming complicit officials. He was arrested by some of the implicated officials, held for 358 days in pre-trial detention in torturous conditions, and killed in Russian police custody on 16 November 2009.
For more information please contact:
Justice for Sergei Magnitsky
+44 207 440 1777
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org
Twitter: @KatieFisher__

Объявлены лауреаты Премии Сергея Магнитского 2015 года на международной церемонии в день шестилетней годовщины его гибели
November 17, 2015
17 ноября 2015 года – На международной церемонии, прошедшей вчера в Лондоне (Великобритания), были объявлены имена лауреатов Премии Сергея Магнитского.
«Люди должны помнить об этом мужественном и преданном профессиональному долгу человеке, не утратившем человеческого достоинства перед лицом бесчеловечного обращения в тюрьме. Эта премия должна напоминать международному сообществу о творящейся в российских судах несправедливости. Лауреатами стали люди, идущие на личный риск, защищая справедливость и честное правосудие, как это делал Сергей», — сказал Уильям Браудер, автор книги «Красный циркуляр» (http://www.billbrowder.com/red-notice) и руководитель кампании «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского».
Премия присуждена в девяти номинациях. Лауреатами Премии Сергея Магнитского 2015 года стали:
1) Борис Немцов (посмертно) – Специальная премия за приверженность демократическим принципам. Премию отца приняла его дочь Жанна Немцова;
2) Ги Верховштадт – член Европейского парламента, со-автор Европейской резолюции Магнитского о введении санкций в отношении лиц, причастных к делу Магнитского, принятой единогласно в апреле 2014 года (Номинация: Европейский политик 2015 года);
3) Джим Макговерн – американский конгрессмен, со-автор Закона имени Магнитского, одобренного Конгрессом США в декабре 2012 года, вводящего визовые и финансовые санкции в отношении лиц, причастных к делу Магнитского и другим нарушениям прав человека (Номинация: Американский политик 2015 года);
4) Программа по расследованию и освещению организованной преступности и коррупции (The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project www.occrp.org) – первой разместила в печати результаты своего исследования механизма отмывания за рубежом денег, похищенных в России в результате мошеннических возвратов налогов, одобренных чиновниками двух московских налоговых инспекций №25 и №28 – преступления, раскрытого Сергеем Магнитским (Номинация: За лучшее журналистское расследование 2015 года);
5) Эндрю Ретман – журналист европейского издания «Обозреватель ЕС», освещавший политические аспекты дела Магнитского и усилия европейских органов правосудия по расследованию отмывания 5,4 миллиардов рублей через европейские банковские институты (Номинация: Европейский журналист 2015 года);
6) Джеймс О’Брайен – британский теле и радиожурналист, автор передач, посвященных делу и санкциям Магнитского (Номинация: Британский журналист 2015 года);
7) Джеффри Робертсон – эксперт по международному праву, автор книг и публикаций по вопросам защиты прав человека и санкциям Магнитского (Номинация: Вклад в развитие международного законодательства о правах человека);
8) Программа «Форум Свободы в Осло» — международная конференция, посвященная правам человека, освещавшая дело Магнитского и требующая установления правосудия в отношении лиц, причастных к нарушениям его прав в заключении и убийству (Номинация: Общественная организация 2015 года);
9) Ирвин Котлер – бывший Генеральный прокурор и член Парламента Канады, автор законопроектов о санкциях Магнитского в канадском парламенте (Номинация: За вклад в глобальную кампанию справедливости для Сергея Магнитского)
Церемония награждения победителей Премии Сергея Магнитского прошла в шестилетнюю годовщину, со дня его гибели в следственном изоляторе «Матросская тишина» в возрасте 37 лет.
«Память о нашем любимом, дорогом Сергее жива. Считаем это событием огромной важности не только для нашей семьи, но и для огромного количества людей в мире. Надеемся, что учрежденная премия поддержит всех, кто отстаивает права человека. Искренне благодарим всех за поддержку», — отмечается в заявлении семьи Сергея Магнитского об учреждении премии его имени.
За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь:
Программа «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского»
+44 207 440 1777

Объявлены лауреаты Премии Сергея Магнитского 2015 года на международной церемонии в день шестилетней годовщины его гибели
November 17, 2015
Лауреаты Премии Сергея Магнитского 2015 года.
Международная церемония в день шестилетней годовщины со дня его гибели.
Вчера, 17 ноября 2015 года, на международной церемонии, прошедшей в Лондоне (Великобритания), были объявлены имена лауреатов Премии Сергея Магнитского.
Открывая церемонию руководитель кампании «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского» и автор книги «Красный циркуляр» (http://www.billbrowder.com/red-notice) Уильям Браудер подчеркнул: «Люди должны помнить об этом мужественном и преданном профессиональному долгу человеке, не утратившем человеческого достоинства перед лицом бесчеловечного обращения в тюрьме. Эта премия должна напоминать международному сообществу о творящейся в российских судах несправедливости. Лауреатами стали люди, идущие на личный риск, защищая справедливость и честное правосудие, как это делал Сергей».
Премия присуждена в девяти номинациях. Лауреатами Премии Сергея Магнитского 2015 года стали:
1) Борис Немцов (посмертно) – Специальная премия за приверженность демократическим принципам. Премию отца приняла его дочь Жанна Немцова;
2) Ги Верховштадт (Guy Verhofstadt) – член Европейского парламента, со-автор Европейской резолюции Магнитского о введении санкций в отношении лиц, причастных к делу Магнитского, принятой единогласно в апреле 2014 года (Номинация: Европейский политик 2015 года);
3) Джим Макговерн – американский конгрессмен, со-автор Закона имени Магнитского, одобренного Конгрессом США в декабре 2012 года, вводящего визовые и финансовые санкции в отношении лиц, причастных к делу Магнитского и другим нарушениям прав человека (Номинация: Американский политик 2015 года);
4) “Программа по расследованию и освещению организованной преступности и коррупции” (The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project www.occrp.org) – первой разместила в печати результаты своего исследования механизма отмывания за рубежом денег, похищенных в России в результате мошеннических возвратов налогов, одобренных чиновниками двух московских налоговых инспекций №25 и №28 – преступления, раскрытого Сергеем Магнитским (Номинация: За лучшее журналистское расследование 2015 года). Премия вручена Полу Раду (Paul Radu, https://www.occrp.org/staff), исполнительному директору OCCRP, и Роману Анину, ведущему журналисту расследователю OCCRP, редактору отдела расследований «Новой газеты» (http://www.novayagazeta.ru/profile/222/);
5) Эндрю Ретман – журналист европейского издания «Обозреватель ЕС», освещавший политические аспекты дела Магнитского и усилия европейских органов правосудия по расследованию отмывания 5,4 миллиардов рублей через европейские банковские институты (Номинация: Европейский журналист 2015 года);
6) Джеймс О’Брайен – британский теле и радиожурналист, автор передач, посвященных делу и санкциям Магнитского (Номинация: Британский журналист 2015 года);
7) Джеффри Робертсон – эксперт по международному праву, автор книг и публикаций по вопросам защиты прав человека и санкциям Магнитского (Номинация: Вклад в развитие международного законодательства о правах человека);
8) Программа «Форум Свободы в Осло» (OsloFreedomForum) — международная конференция, посвященная правам человека, освещавшая дело Магнитского и требующая установления правосудия в отношении лиц, причастных к нарушениям его прав в заключении и убийству (Номинация: Общественная организация 2015 года);
9) Ирвин Котлер– бывший Генеральный прокурор, Министр юстиции Канады и член Парламента Канады, автор законопроектов о санкциях Магнитского в канадском парламенте (Номинация: За вклад в глобальную кампанию справедливости для Сергея Магнитского)
Церемония награждения победителей Премии Сергея Магнитского прошла в шестилетнюю годовщину, со дня его гибели в следственном изоляторе «Матросская тишина» в возрасте 37 лет.
«Память о нашем любимом, дорогом Сергее жива. Считаем это событием огромной важности не только для нашей семьи, но и для огромного количества людей в мире. Надеемся, что учрежденная премия поддержит всех, кто отстаивает права человека. Искренне благодарим всех за поддержку», — отмечается в заявлении семьи Сергея Магнитского об учреждении премии его имени.
Организационный комитет Премии имени СергеяМагнитского за 2015 включал: Трансперенси интернешионал (Transparency International, http://www.transparency.org.uk/), The Henry Jackson Society (http://henryjacksonsociety.org/), Fair Trials International (http://www.fairtrials.org/), Global Witness (www.globalwitness.org), the Central and Eastern European Council of Canada, and the British Parliament’s All-Party Group on Anti-Corruption (http://www.anticorruptionappg.org/).

Boris Nemtsov Posthumously Awarded Sergei Magnitsky 2015 Human Rights Prize for Democracy
November 17, 2015
For Immediate Distribution
Boris Nemtsov Posthumously Awarded Sergei Magnitsky 2015 Human Rights Prize for Democracy
16 November 2015 – Tonight Boris Nemtsov, the Russian politician who was assassinated near the Kremlin in late February this year, was posthumously awarded the Sergei Magnitsky 2015 Human Rights Prize for Democracy.
“Boris Nemtsov was a courageous man, and a true friend of the Magnitsky Justice campaign. He was a steadfast supporter of our initiative to impose targeted Western sanctions on Russian officials involved in human rights abuse and corruption. Boris shamed weak Western diplomats who tried to appease the Russian leader, because he was convinced that the sanctions are the necessary, effective and morally right way to stand up to Russian official impunity,” said William Browder, leader of the Justice for Sergei Magnitsky campaign.
“Both Boris and Sergei were optimists and believed in a brighter future for Russia. They show us that Russia produces great people with humanity and integrity. Their loss is a tragedy for Russia and the world. The fact that both were killed in cold blood, and in both cases those responsible have not been brought to account, is the call for action. We cannot bring Boris and Sergei back, but we owe it to them to carry on with our cause, to seek justice in the form of further Magnitsky sanctions on corrupt officials and human rights violators by countries around the world,” said William Browder.
The Sergei Magnitsky awards ceremony was held tonight in London on the 6th anniversary of Sergei Magnitsky’s murder in Russian police custody.
Other winners of the Sergei Magnitsky 2015 Human Rights Awards include prominent policy makers, journalists, and human rights activists, who have worked in the spirit of Sergei Magnitsky — with faith, strength and integrity, to reinforce and advance his legacy, and bring about significant change in the international justice and human rights field.
The winners of the 2015 ‘Sergei Magnitsky Human Rights Awards’ are:
1) Boris Nemtsov (posthumously and accepted by his daughter Zhanna Nemtsova), Russian opposition leader (Special Award for Campaigning for Democracy);
2) Guy Verhofstadt, Member of European Parliament (Campaigning European Politician Award), co-author of Magnitsky Sanctions Resolution in the European Parliament;
3) Jim McGovern, U.S. Congressman (Campaigning US Politician Award), co-author of the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act adopted by the US Congress;
4) The Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, an anti-corruption and investigative journalism NGO (Outstanding Investigative Journalism Award, accepted by Paul Radu and Roman Anin) who investigated and publicised the transnational money laundering trail from the $230 million theft uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky;
5) Andrew Rettman, European journalist with EU Observer (Outstanding European Coverage of Magnitsky Case Award) who covered political aspects of the Magnitsky case in the EU;
6) James O’Brien, British journalist, television and radio presenter, and a show host on LBC talk station (Outstanding British Coverage of Magnitsky Case Award) who shamed the British government in their weak response to the Magnitsky case;
7) Geoffrey Robertson QC, international lawyer (Outstanding Contribution to Human Rights Law Award), author of publications on Magnitsky sanctions legislation;
8) The Oslo Freedom Forum, a human rights conference platform (Best Human Rights NGO Award, accepted by Thor Halvorssen) who promoted policy debate on Magnitsky sanctions and human rights; and
9) The Hon. Irwin Cotler, former Attorney General and Justice Minister of Canada (Outstanding Contribution to Global Magnitsky Campaign), author of the Magnitsky bill in the Canadian Parliament, and chair of the Justice for Sergei Magnitsky Inter-Parliamentary Group.
The organising committee of the Global Sergei Magnitsky Human Rights Awards this year consists of activists from major international organizations, including Transparency International, The Henry Jackson Society, Fair Trials International, the Central and Eastern European Council of Canada, and the British Parliament’s All-Party Group on Anti-Corruption.
The Sergei Magnitsky Human Rights Awards, a newly-launched international human rights prize, are advanced by the Magnitsky family as a “beacon of support” for all those who fight injustice around the world, and promoted by the Justice for Magnitsky campaign.
Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer, uncovered the largest publicly-known corruption case in Russia involving the theft of $230 million, and testified about it naming complicit officials. He was arrested by some of the implicated officials, held for 358 days in pre-trial detention in torturous conditions, and killed in Russian police custody on 16 November 2009.
For more information please contact:
Justice for Sergei Magnitsky
+44 207 440 1777
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org
Twitter: @KatieFisher__