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Зампрокурор Виктор Гринь и следователь СК РФ Стрижов включены в список Магнитского
December 30, 2014
Сегодня вечером правительство США включило в список санкций по делу Магнитского заместителя генерального прокурора РФ Виктора Гриня и следователя Следственного комитета РФ Андрея Стрижова. Оба несут личную ответственность за сокрытие правды о гибели юриста фонда Hermitage и укрывательство причастных от суда.
Их имена опубликованы на официальном сайте Министерства финансов США.
В отношении лиц, включенных в список Магнитского, вводится запрет на выдачу виз и замораживание их активов в США.
«В список Магнитского сегодня включены две одиозные фигуры, включая высокопоставленного укрывателя преступлений, как совершенных против Сергея Магнитского, так и разоблаченных им, – работающего в должности заместителя Генерального прокурора Виктора Гриня, а также следователя, не нашедшего в истязаниях и убийстве человека в следственном изоляторе «события преступления»», — сказал представитель программы «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского».
На сегодняшний день спустя пять лет после гибели Сергея Магнитского и два года с даты введения в США закона имени Магнитского в санкционный список правительством США включено 34 человека, включая 28 человек, имеющих непосредственное отношение к делу Магнитского.
О роли прокурора Виктора Гриня программа «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского» подробно рассказала еще год назад в рубрике «Сокрытие преступлений по делу Магнитского — в лицах и документах».
5 декабря 2007 года, за три недели до кражи 5,4 миллиардов рублей из российской казны прокурору Гриню поступило заявление юристов фонда Hermitage о содействии группы сотрудников МВД мошенникам. Прокурор Гринь отказал в проведении проверки, заявление Hermitage было передано на рассмотрение одному из сотрудников МВД, названных в нем в качестве подозреваемого, а спустя три недели из бюджета были украдены 5,4 миллиардов рублей.
10 апреля 2009 года прокурор Гринь подписал обвинительное заключение, которым освободил от ответственности названных в показаниях Сергея Магнитского и заявлениях Hermitage cотрудников МВД и налоговых органов, списав хищение 5.4 миллиардов рублей на «работника лесопилки», тут же осужденного в «особом порядке» c согласия прокуратуры без рассмотрения судом доказательств на основе одних его признательных показаний.
6 ноября 2009 года прокурору Гриню было поручено провести проверку по заявлению о нарушении прав Магнитского и лишении его медицинской помощи, направленному коллегой Магнитского американским юристом Джемисоном Файерстоуном. Прокурор Гринь не провел никакой проверки, не принял мер прокурорского реагирования, а 10 дней спустя Сергей Магнитский вместо экстренной госпитализации был помещен в изоляционный бокс следственного изолятора и убит.
После убийства Сергея Магнитского прокурору Гриню было доверено надзирать за ходом следствия об обстоятельствах заключения Магнитского под стражу и его смерти. В ходе расследования прокурор Гринь подписал заключение, в котором не нашел правонарушений в действиях сотрудников МВД, отвечавших за арест и преследование Магнитского.
Прокурор Гринь также несет личную ответственность за инициирование двух посмертных уголовных дел против Сергея Магнитского – одного, завершившегося судебным приговором – первым в истории посмертным судилищем, и второго, расследование которого продолжается, несмотря на протесты родственников Магнитского.
Включенный в санкционный список следователь Следственного комитета РФ Андрей Стрижов несет ответственность за отказ привлечь к ответственности лиц, участвовавших в незаконном аресте, пытках и убийстве Сергея Магнитского, несмотря на неоднократные обращения семьи. В марте 2013 года следователь Стрижов подписал постановление о прекращении уголовного дела о смерти Магнитского, не найдя в нем спустя три с половиной года расследования «события преступления», несмотря на выводы независимых российских и международных организаций, указывающих на создание пыточных условий содержания под стражей и конфликт интересов преследовавших Магнитского сотрудников МВД.

Magnitsky’s Mother Goes to the Russian Supreme Court to Overturn the Second Posthumous Case Against Her Murdered Son
November 21, 2014
Sergei Magnitsky’s mother has filed a complaint with the judicial collegium of the Supreme Court of Russia in relation to the second posthumous proceeding organized against her son by the Russian Interior Ministry.
Under this second posthumous case, Sergei Magnitsky has been named after his death as a “co-conspirator” in the $230 million tax refund fraud that he had in fact uncovered and exposed.
“…Investigator Urzhumtsev in violation of the principle of presumption of innocence, in violation of the constitutional right for defence, in the absence of a court order, in the absence of preliminary investigation, had stated in his decree [from December 2010] that Sergei Magnitsky who died a year before [in November 2009] in Matrosskaya Tishina detention center, committed a serious crime… the theft of 5.4 billion rubles [$230 million]…The conclusion itself must be qualified as slander in relation to knowingly innocent person,” says the complaint.
“He [Investigator Urzhumtsev] knew very well, that Magnitsky not only was not complicit in the theft of 5.4 billion rubles, but that Magnitsky was the first person who had uncovered the crime committed against the three companies of his client, and who had exposed the criminal activity of perhaps one of the largest criminal groups which specializes in unlawful tax refunds,” says the complaint.
Interior Ministry Investigator Oleg Urzhumtsev was included on both the investigative team on the case against Sergei Magnitsky under which Magnitsky was arrested and ill-treated in custody; and on the case to investigate the $230 million theft that Magnitsky had uncovered. The second investigation led by Investigator Urzhumtsev finished by exonerating all Russian Interior Ministry and tax officials from liability for the $230 million theft, and naming Sergei Magnitsky as co-conspirator posthumously and in secret from his relatives. Urzhumtsev also was responsible for assigning the blame for the crime to a “jobless” person named Vyacheslav Khlebnikov in a fast-track proceeding which ended with a lenient sentence of five years for the $230 million theft. As part of that proceeding conducted after Magnitsky’s death, Khlebnikov gave a false testimony against Magnitsky from detention.
“As member of the investigative group [on the case Sergei Magnitsky was detained], Urzhumtsev knew that Magnitsky was arrested soon after his testimony implicating officials in the theft of 5.4 billion rubles, and that some of those officials were included on the same investigative team,- points out the complaint. — Magnitsky stated that his criminal prosecution was a measure of repression aimed to punish him for the assistance he provided to his client during the identification of circumstances of the theft of his client’s companies — Rilend, Makhaon, and Parfenion.”
The complaint says that Investigator Urzhumtsev has concealed the real perpetrators by blaming the $230 million theft on Sergei Magnitsky, and two other deceased individuals (Mr Gasanov and Mr Korobeinikov), neither of whom were alive and could be questioned at the time of the investigation.
“The evidence in the case file objectively demonstrates that Investigator Urzhumtsev acted in the interests of persons who perpetrated the theft of 5.4 billion rubles [$230 million], and who using his own terminology, “found” two deceased individuals in order to put on them the liability for the theft of budget funds, and in order to provide the service of concealment for the real perpetrators of the crime,” says the complaint.
It was since uncovered that Mr Gasanov died on 1 October 2007, two months before the $230 million was committed. Mr Korobeinikov died in September 2008, “falling of a balcony” of a building under construction, according to the Russian investigation.
Ms Magnitskaya asks the Russian Supreme Court to examine the lawfulness of investigator Urzhumtsev’s actions and annul previous decisions by lower-level Russian courts who rejected her complaints.
“The court must check the lawfulness and the justification for the Investigator’s decree… The previous rejection violates the constitutional principle of the presumption of innocence because deceased Magnitsky was named by Investigator Urzhumtsev as a co-conspirator in a crime,” says the complaint.
“The court had an opportunity to check the arguments using the criminal case files, and by inviting investigator Urzhumtsev to give testimony, but it failed to do so…As a result, the conclusion of the court [of lower instance] is not supported by the factual circumstances, which is … the ground to cancel the court decision,” says the complaint in conclusion.
Previous complaints from Ms Magnitskaya addressed to lower instance courts have been rejected by Moscow district judge Tatiana Neverova, and Moscow city court judges Andrei Titov and Lyubov Ishmuratova.
In the United States, 26 Russian officials and private individuals involved in Sergei Magnitsky’s detention and ill-treatment in custody and in the criminal conspiracy Magnitsy had uncovered have been sanctioned under the US Magnitsky Act. The list includes several colleagues of Investigator Urzhumtsev on the Russian Interior Ministry’s investigative team in the Magnitsky case.

Sergei Magnitsky’s Mother Slams the Russian Authorities Refusal to Investigate the Murder of Her Son on the 5th Anniversary of His Death
November 19, 2014
Sergei Magnitsky’s mother has spoken of the suffering she has been subjected to in her calls to seek justice for her murdered son in Russia.
In an extensive interview to the Open Russia website, Natalia Magnitskaya spoke of her grief of the way that Russian officials have dealt with her complaints.
“All our applications and complaints to all government bodies are being rejected. I can’t read these rejections any more. It is clear that they are simply mocking us. For example, they sent us materials to read, but the copies are so poor it was impossible to read them. My lawyer filed a complaint to the higher-level body, but his complaint was rejected. They said essentially that all is ok, there is no need for you to read them.”
Natalia Magnitskaya also depicted her anguish at the lies officially issued by the Russian General Prosecutor’s Office, which justified the posthumous trial of her son by claiming that the family had asked for it:
“Recently, one of the documents from the General Prosecutor’s Office said that they had initiated the case against Magnitsky on the request from his mother. But we had stated in writing on so many occasions that we do not want the posthumous prosecution. Howcouldthisbe?”
Natalia Magnitskaya described the struggle to seek justice for her son in Russia as “facing a wall,” but said she continues to challenge the rejections nevertheless and seek justice and is not prepared to give up:
“So far everything has been without effect. In spite of this we try to challenge everything, but it gives you the feeling that you are facing a wall…But we should not stop…It is impossible to give in.”
In another report on the Open Russia website in memory of Sergei Magnitsky, Russian journalist and human rights activist Zoya Svetova recalled how she and other members of the Moscow Public Oversight Commission investigated the circumstances of his murder in detention.
“We wrote a report and sent it on 31 December 2009 to the President of Russia, the General Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Justice. In our report, we wrote that we do not trust the testimony of detention officials and are convinced that the right to life of Magnitsky was violated. In other words, the lawyer was murdered.”
Also on the Open Russia website, Russian playwright Elena Gremina, author of the play, “One Hour Eighteen Minutes,” which depicts the last hours of Sergei Magnitsky’s life, spoke of how working with the Magnitsky story changed her and those who worked on the play with her:
“It was decided, as usually happens with new ideas, to gather documents and materials about Sergei Magnitsky to see if his story had potential for a play. I did not know then that the gathering of materials for this prospective play would change us, would introduce us to new ideas and new people, that it would change a lot in me.”
Materials to Commemorate the 5th Anniversary of Sergei Magnitsky’s Killing in Custody can be found on Open Russia website.

Statement by Bill Browder on 5th Anniversary of Sergei Magnitsky’s Killing in Russia
November 16, 2014
Dear Friends and supporters,
Today marks the 5th anniversary of Sergei Magnitsky’s killing in Russian police custody.
Sergei was my lawyer who was murdered because he exposed one of the largest government corruption schemes in Russian history. After he testified against the police officers involved, he was arrested by the same officers and was then systematically tortured for 358 days. On November 16, 2009 he went into critical condition and instead of being treated, he was put in an isolation cell and beaten by eight riot guards with rubber batons until he was dead at the age of 37.
When I learned of Sergei’s death, it was the worst news I had ever received in my life. It was like a knife going into my heart and I made a vow to myself, his family and his memory that I would get justice for him. For five years, I have tried to get that justice, but the Russian government has used every tool at their disposal to thwart me. They claimed Sergei was never tortured and he died of natural causes. They claimed that he never uncovered or exposed a crime, but was the one guilty of one. And most shockingly, they exonerated every single Russian state employee involved in spite of a mountain of documentary evidence to the contrary.
It became clear to me that there was no possibility of justice inside of Russia so I sought justice outside of Russia and have advocated for sanctions against the people who killed Sergei in many countries in the West. Three years after Sergei’s death, the US government signed the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act imposing visa sanctions and asset freezes on those involved in Sergei’s death as well as other human rights violations. Similar sanctions are being considered by governments in Europe as well.
Putin and his government have become infuriated at the global reaction to Sergei’s case and have lashed out in all sorts of ways. Shortly after the Magnitsky Act was passed, Putin banned US adoptions of disabled Russian children. In 2013, more than three years after Sergei died, they put him on trial in the first ever posthumous trial in the history of Russia. They also put me on trial in absentia as his co-defendant and sentenced me to nine years.
When I first started this campaign, many people thought that what happened to Sergei was some kind of anomaly. They said “this is a sad story, but probably a one-off”, but as time has gone by, more and more cases like this have surfaced and it’s becoming obvious to everyone that Russia is a criminal state taking innocent people hostage and doing horrific things to them. The most recent actions in Ukraine make it clear to even the most ardent Russian apologists that Russia is engaging in all sorts of atrocities and brazenly covering them up.
What happened to Sergei is now a global symbol of everything that is wrong with Russia, from the actual crime of what they did to Sergei to the high level cover-up to the threats against me and others seeking justice. Despite the many horrific threats and all the misinformation Russia is spewing out in this case, I won’t back down in my call for justice for Sergei Magnitsky and neither will those close to him. We will not stop until the people who tortured and killed Sergei are properly brought to justice.
Thank you for your continued support on this important mission.

European Parliamentarians Challenge EU’s New Foreign Policy Chief on Russia and Demand EU to Implement Magnitsky Sanctions in Europe
November 12, 2014
European Parliamentarians Challenge EU’s New Foreign Policy Chief on Russia and Demand EU to Implement Magnitsky Sanctions in Europe
12 November 2014 – Over twenty deputies in the European Parliament have written to Federica Mogherini, EU’s new foreign policy chief, asking her to implement the European Parliament’s recommendation to sanction 32 persons involved in the arrest, torture and murder of whistle-blowing Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky.
“We are writing to you in relation to the European Parliament Recommendation to the Council of 2 April 2014 on establishing common visa restrictions for Russian officials involved in the Sergei Magnitsky case. …As the new head of the European External Action Service, what nearest actions do you plan to undertake to follow through on this recommendation?” — said European Parliament deputies in their letter to Ms Mogherini — “We ask you now in your new position to answer these questions so the European Parliament can then take a view of what to do next to make sure there is no further impunity in the Magnitsky case.”
Since Sergei Magnitsky’s murder in Russian police detention five years ago, the only significant actions taken in Russia have been the posthumous trial of Sergei Magnitsky himself and the closure of the investigation into his death, which found “no signs of crime,” and absolved all officials from responsibility. The investigation was closed following President Putin’s public intervention at a December 2012 press conference, where he claimed that Magnitsky was not tortured, but “died from a heart attack.”
Sergei Magnitsky’s case and the impunity of the Russian officials involved have become a symbol of the endemic corruption and failing justice system in Russia, and highlighted the abuse that Russian citizens face when they challenge the authorities. The case lead to a dramatic movement in Russian civil society, calling on the West to create consequences for those involved and specifically to impose sanctions in the form of visa bans and freezes on assets in Western banks.
In response to the Russian impunity, on 2 April 2014 the European Parliament adopted a resolution without any objections requiring the European External Action Service, EU’s foreign affairs body, to propose the sanctions to the EU Council of Ministers.
Since the resolution was passed, no action was taken by Baroness Catherine Ashton, the previous head of the EU’s External Action Service.
In addition to the European Parliament’s actions in the Magnitsky case, the U.S. passed the “Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act” in December 2012, imposing sanctions on the complicit Russian officials. Additionally, the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), international organizations comprising up to 57 countries, passed resolutions urging their members and their national parliaments to adopt a course similar to the US by implementing Magnitsky sanctions.
Sergei Magnitsky was a 37-year old lawyer and outside counsel for the Hermitage Fund, who was tortured to death in Russian Interior Ministry custody after he testified about the involvement of Interior Ministry officials in the theft of his client’s companies and the $230 million theft. The Russian officials responsible for his arrest, torture and killing were absolved from any responsibility, promoted and decorated with state honours.
For more information, please contact:
Magnitsky Justice Campaign
+44 2074401777