// Press Releases

Two Russians Included in the European Parliament’s Magnitsky List Welcomed at the European Parliament for Anti-Magnitsky Event

April 29, 2016


For Imme­di­ate Distribution


Two Rus­sians Includ­ed in the Euro­pean Parliament’s Mag­nit­sky List Wel­comed at the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment for Anti-Mag­nit­sky Event


29 April 2016  – Two Rus­sians on the Euro­pean Parliament’s Mag­nit­sky Sanc­tions List were wel­comed at the Euro­pean par­lia­ment for the pre­miere of a film by a Russ­ian film­mak­er Andrei Nekrasov, defam­ing the mem­o­ry of Sergei Magnitsky.


Among those present in the audi­ence in Brus­sels on April 27th were ex police offi­cer Pavel Kar­pov, named in Sergei Magnitsky’s tes­ti­mo­ny for his role in the cus­tody of doc­u­ments and files, used in the fraud to steal $230 mil­lion from the Russ­ian gov­ern­ment, and Andrei Pavlov, the lawyer who took part in sham court pro­ceed­ings, described in Sergei Magnitsky’s tes­ti­mo­ny as part of that same crime.


Pavel Kar­pov and Andrei Pavlov are No 7 and No 15 on the Euro­pean Parliament’s Mag­nit­sky list, which rec­om­mends the Euro­pean Coun­cil to impose visa sanc­tions and asset freezes on those who were involved in the crimes against Sergei Magnitsky.

#7: KARPOV, Pavel, born 27 August 1977;

#15: PAVLOV, Andrey (a.k.a. Pavlov, Andrei), born 7 August 1977;


In his tes­ti­mo­ny on the fraud, Sergei Mag­nit­sky described the roles of both Pavel Kar­pov and Andrei Pavlov. In par­tic­u­lar, Sergei Mag­nit­sky said in his 5 June 2008 testimony:


Many times the lawyer of Fire­stone Dun­can (CIS) Lim­it­ed and the company’s rep­re­sen­ta­tives request­ed Inves­ti­ga­tor P.A. Kar­pov to return the seized doc­u­ments that were not relat­ed to the case inves­ti­gat­ed by P.A. Kar­pov, but the inves­ti­ga­tor kept delay­ing the return of the doc­u­ments say­ing that there were many doc­u­ments and it took him much time to fin­ish exam­in­ing them.”


I can con­firm that the seized fold­ers, which I also used in my work, con­tained the orig­i­nals of the lat­est edi­tions of the Arti­cles of Asso­ci­a­tion of LLC Kameya, LLC Par­fe­nion, LLC Rilend and LLC Makhaon, the orig­i­nal cer­tifi­cates of the tax reg­is­tra­tion, the orig­i­nal cer­tifi­cates of the legal enti­ty state reg­is­tra­tion, the orig­i­nal Min­utes of meet­ings and res­o­lu­tions of the sole par­tic­i­pants of the com­pa­nies, the orig­i­nal legal­ized cer­tifi­cates con­firm­ing the res­i­den­cy of the com­pa­nies’ par­tic­i­pants and some oth­er doc­u­ments,” tes­ti­fied Sergei Magnitsky.


In his tes­ti­mo­ny Sergei Mag­nit­sky described fic­ti­tious claims filed against Hermitage’s com­pa­nies in Rus­sia and the appear­ance of Pavlov in those sham court proceedings:


Almost at once it became clear that the fil­ing and con­sid­er­a­tion of the said claims were asso­ci­at­ed with fraud­u­lent actions because as it fol­lowed from the deci­sions of the Arbi­tra­tion Court of Saint-Peters­burg and the Leningrad Region dat­ed 3 and 7 Sep­tem­ber 2007, the court hear­ings had been attend­ed by the LLC Makhaon rep­re­sen­ta­tive Yu.M. Maioro­va and the LLC Rilend rep­re­sen­ta­tive A.A. Pavlov, who pre­sent­ed Pow­ers of Attor­ney said to be issued by those com­pa­nies and dat­ed 24 August 2007. It means the Pow­ers of Attor­ney were forged ones because the com­pa­nies’ seals had been seized and were kept at the Main Inves­tiga­tive Depart­ment of the Main Inter­nal Affairs Depart­ment of Moscow.


Four months lat­er, on 7 Octo­ber 2008, Sergei Mag­nit­sky con­firmed his 5 June 2008 tes­ti­mo­ny and added in his tes­ti­mo­ny the dis­cov­ery of “the embez­zle­ment of bud­get funds that took place in excess of Five Bil­lion rubles, which was obvi­ous­ly com­mit­ted by the same group of per­sons that used ille­gal re-reg­is­tra­tion of Par­fe­nion LLC, Makhaon LLC, and Rilend LLC and fil­ing claims against those com­pa­nies as a tool for embez­zling mon­ey from the state trea­sury.


At the event held in the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment sev­en and half years lat­er, on 27 April 2016,  Pavel Kar­pov was giv­ing inter­views to Russ­ian TV sta­tions, and Andrei Pavlov was able to approach Hei­di Hau­ta­la, MEP from Fin­land, who host­ed the event.


Andrei Pavlov greet­ing Hei­di Hau­ta­la, MEP, 27 April 2016


Lithuan­ian MEP Petras Aus­tre­vi­cius inter­rupt­ed pro­ceed­ings in the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment the fol­low­ing day, on 28 April 2016, to draw atten­tion to the fact that two Russ­ian cit­i­zens whose names were placed on the Euro­pean Parliament’s Mag­nit­sky list, had been allowed access to the par­lia­ment the pre­vi­ous day.


Mr Aus­tre­vi­cius, MEP, said:


I deplore this hap­pen­ing with­in the walls of the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment,” it was, he went on, “an issue of the integri­ty of our own decisions.”


For more infor­ma­tion, please contact:


Jus­tice for Sergei Magnitsky

+44 207 440 1777

e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org



Twit­ter: @Billbrowder


Let­ter from the Mag­nit­sky Fam­i­ly about the film of Andrei Nekrasov defam­ing mem­o­ry of Sergei Magnitsky




Magnitsky Family Blasts the Green Party in the European Parliament for Hosting Premiere of a False and Offensive Film about Sergei Magnitsky by Andrei Nekrasov

April 27, 2016


For Imme­di­ate Distribution



Mag­nit­sky Fam­i­ly Blasts the Green Par­ty in the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment for Host­ing Pre­miere of a False and Offen­sive Film about Sergei Mag­nit­sky by Andrei Nekrasov


27 April 2016 – The wid­ow and moth­er of Sergei Mag­nit­sky have writ­ten to the Green/EFA fac­tion in the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment (see their let­ter) protest­ing the pre­miere of a new false, offen­sive and defam­a­to­ry film by Russ­ian film­mak­er Andrei Nekrasov about their mur­dered hus­band and son. The pre­miere will take place this after­noon at 5:30 pm at the Euro­pean Parliament.


The pre­miere is spon­sored at the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment by the Greens/EFA Group, and host­ed by Hei­di Hau­ta­la, Finnish MEP, Vice Pres­i­dent of the Green/EFA Group, who was report­ed in the Finnish press to be film­mak­er Andrei Nekrasov’s girl­friend.


The Mag­nit­sky fam­i­ly expressed their indig­na­tion in the let­ter about this new attempt to black­en Sergei Magnitsky’s name. They view this film as pro­mot­ing the inter­ests of those who Sergei Mag­nit­sky exposed and who are afraid of the truth he had uncovered.


This film has been made in the inter­est of those who are scared of the truth uncov­ered by Sergei Mag­nit­sky, - said Sergei Magnitsky’s moth­er and wid­ow. - “By this let­ter the fam­i­ly of Sergei Mag­nit­sky state their high­ly neg­a­tive reac­tion to this film and protest against uncon­scionable attempts to black­en Sergei Magnitsky’s name. We are cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly against pub­lic view­ing of the Andrei Nekrasov’s film, against its dis­tri­b­u­tion in any form.”


The let­ter from the Mag­nit­sky fam­i­ly states that the film con­tains false infor­ma­tion and lies about Sergei Mag­nit­sky. They are cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly against any show­ing or dis­tri­b­u­tion of this film, includ­ing and espe­cial­ly at the Euro­pean Parliament.


We believe that the film by Andrei Nekrasov, based on his inven­tions, and not on doc­u­ments and facts, is degrad­ing to the dig­ni­ty of Sergei Mag­nit­sky, degrad­ing to the deceased, who can­not defend him­self,” says the let­ter from the Mag­nit­sky family.


The film by Andrei Nekrasov and pro­duc­er Torstein Grude of Piraya Films (Nor­way) is designed to per­pet­u­ate a Russ­ian gov­ern­ment dis­in­for­ma­tion cam­paign about the Mag­nit­sky case for a West­ern audi­ence. The film claims that Sergei Mag­nit­sky was not beat­en in cus­tody, was not a lawyer, did not tes­ti­fy against Russ­ian offi­cials, did not inves­ti­gate the US$230 mil­lion fraud, but instead com­mit­ted it himself.
These false claims are con­tra­dict­ed by numer­ous doc­u­ments. In par­tic­u­lar, the claim that he was­n’t beat­en is refut­ed by the pho­tos of his injuries from the state autop­sy; his death cer­tifi­cate stat­ing he had a sus­pect­ed cere­br­i­al cra­nial injury; cer­tifi­cates from the deten­tion cen­ter where he died record­ing the appli­ca­tion of rub­ber batons; the Russ­ian state foren­sic opin­ion find­ing that Sergei Magnitsky’s injuries were con­sis­tent with blunt force trauma.
Magnitsky’s pro­fes­sion as a lawyer is demon­strat­ed by his role in rep­re­sent­ing his mul­ti­ple clients in court, pro­vid­ing them legal advice, and his own tes­ti­mo­ny iden­ti­fy­ing him­self as a lawyer.


The fact that Sergei Magnitsky’s tes­ti­fied against police offi­cers is proven by his tes­ti­mo­ny from 5 June 2008 in which he described the theft of Hermitage’s com­pa­nies and fraud­u­lent claims against them, men­tion­ing police offi­cer Kuznetsov 14 times and police offi­cer Kar­pov 13 times, his 7 Octo­ber 2008 tes­ti­mo­ny in which he con­firmed his 5 June 2008 tes­ti­mo­ny and tes­ti­fied that the same group who stole Hermitage’s com­pa­nies stole US$230 mln from the Russ­ian budget.


The claim that Sergei Mag­nit­sky stole US$230 mln is refut­ed by the dis­cov­ery of the illic­it pro­ceeds from the fraud on accounts con­nect­ed to the Russ­ian offi­cials and mem­bers of their fam­i­lies; the joint trav­el of the crim­i­nals and Russ­ian gov­ern­ment offi­cials involved in the fraud; the fact that Mag­nit­sky helped Her­mitage report the crime three weeks before the crim­i­nals applied for the fraud­u­lent tax refund, and the fact that the same crim­i­nal organ­i­sa­tion did sim­i­lar crimes before and after.


The false and defam­a­to­ry alle­ga­tions about Sergei Mag­nit­sky that Nekrasov tries to make have been refut­ed in the past by inde­pen­dent inter­na­tion­al insti­tu­tions includ­ing the Coun­cil of Europe, the EU Par­lia­ment, the US State Depart­ment and many oth­ers who have stud­ied the case in detail. Fur­ther­more, the alle­ga­tions in the film are also con­tra­dict­ed by the Russ­ian government’s own evi­dence, court records, and expert conclusions.


In Sergei Magnitsky’s own hand-writ­ten state­ment, 4 days before his death, on 12 Novem­ber 2009, he wrote:


By now it has been a year that I am being held hostage in prison in the inter­ests of the per­sons, who are inter­est­ed to ensure that those actu­al­ly guilty in the theft of 5.4 bil­lion rubles [US$230 mil­lion] from the bud­get will nev­er be brought to jus­tice. … Inves­ti­ga­tor Silchenko does not want to iden­ti­fy the oth­er per­sons, who made this fraud pos­si­ble. He wants the lawyers of the Her­mitage Fund, who pur­sued and con­tin­ue to pur­sue attempts for this case be inves­ti­gat­ed, be forced to emi­grate from their coun­try, in which crim­i­nal cas­es were fab­ri­cat­ed against them on pho­ny grounds, or like me be detained in custody.


My deten­tion in cus­tody has absolute­ly noth­ing in com­mon with the pur­pose of crim­i­nal jus­tice, which I referred to ear­li­er. It has noth­ing in com­mon with the legal pur­pose of restraint list­ed in Arti­cle 97 of the Russ­ian Crim­i­nal Pro­ce­dur­al Code, but this is a pun­ish­ment to which I have been sub­ject­ed for mere­ly defend­ing the inter­ests of my client and, ulti­mate­ly, the inter­ests of the Gov­ern­ment, because should my client’s inter­ests be real­ized, should the law enforce­ment agen­cies stop obstruct­ing the inter­ests of my client and instead assist­ed them, then the theft of 5.4 bil­lion rubles from the state would not be pos­si­ble. The actu­al pur­pose of my crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion and my deten­tion in cus­tody are in con­flict with the law.”


The moth­er of Sergei Mag­nit­sky has pre­vi­ous­ly writ­ten to the pro­duc­er of the film, but received no reply.


Let­ter from Sergei Mag­nit­sky Fam­i­ly: http://russian-untouchables.com/docs/Letter%20from%20family%20%20on%20Nekrasov%20movie.pdf


For more infor­ma­tion please contact:


Jus­tice for Sergei Magnitsky


+44 207 440 1777

e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org



Twit­ter: @Billbrowder




Kremlin’s TV Accused the CIA of a Plot to Cause the Death of Sergei Magnitsky

April 14, 2016

Last night, the Kremlin’s main TV pro­pa­gan­da chan­nel, Rossiya‑1, dis­trib­uted a video show­ing fake doc­u­ments claim­ing that the CIA had organ­ised the with­hold­ing of med­ical care to Sergei Mag­nit­sky in a Russ­ian deten­tion cen­ter to cause his death. To sup­port this claim, the TV chan­nel showed a CIA report dat­ed 20 Sep­tem­ber 2009, which accord­ing to one of the program’s par­tic­i­pants, was authen­ti­cat­ed in a foren­sic report by a UK com­pa­ny head­ed by a senior ex MI‑6 agent.

The Kremlin’s pro­pa­gan­da is in con­tra­dic­tion with all offi­cial Russ­ian doc­u­ments describ­ing the tor­tur­ous con­di­tions that had been cre­at­ed by Russ­ian author­i­ties for Sergei Mag­nit­sky dur­ing his 358 days in deten­tion and the fact that senior offi­cials in the Russ­ian Gen­er­al Prosecutor’s Office refused his writ­ten requests for med­ical atten­tion,” said a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Mag­nit­sky Jus­tice Campaign.

As a result of his mis­treat­ment for the first six months in deten­tion, Sergei Mag­nit­sky lost near­ly 20 kg, and devel­oped pan­cre­ati­tis and gall­stones, which were diag­nosed on 1 July 2009, as shown by reply from Matrosskaya Tishi­na deten­tion cen­ter. He was pre­scribed surgery. But one week before the sched­uled surgery, Sergei Mag­nit­sky was moved to a new deten­tion cen­ter, Butyr­ka, which did not have any med­ical facil­i­ties. The deci­sion was sanc­tioned by Russ­ian Inte­ri­or Min­istry inves­ti­ga­tor Silchenko and serv­ing head of the Russ­ian Pen­i­ten­tiary Sys­tem Petrukhin. All requests from Sergei Mag­nit­sky and his lawyers for med­ical care were refused by offi­cials from the Inte­ri­or Min­istry, Gen­er­al Prosecutor’s Office, deten­tion sys­tem, and judges (see The Tor­ture and Mur­der of Sergei Mag­nit­sky report).

In May 2009, the Coun­cil of Europe’s Rap­por­teur asked Russ­ian Gen­er­al Prosecutor’s Office to inves­ti­gate the tor­tur­ous con­di­tions Sergei Mag­nit­sky was sub­ject­ed to in deten­tion. She received an offi­cial response that Sergei Mag­nit­sky had not been arrest­ed and that the named police offi­cer did not work in the Russ­ian Inte­ri­or Min­istry. The UK Law Soci­ety wrote to Russ­ian Gen­er­al Pros­e­cu­tor Chai­ka in July 2009 urg­ing him to release Sergei Mag­nit­sky from cus­tody. In Octo­ber 2009, Gen­er­al Prosecutor’s Office respond­ed that there was no need to inter­vene, and that there was no vio­la­tion of his rights in custody.

On 16 Novem­ber 2009, after near­ly 12 months in cus­tody Sergei Mag­nit­sky was moved from Bytur­ka to Matrosskaya Tishi­na, alleged­ly for hos­pi­tal­i­sa­tion. But instead of being admit­ted to the hos­pi­tal, Sergei Mag­nit­sky was put in an iso­la­tion cell and beat­en by eight guards. Civil­ian doc­tors were not let into his cell until he was dead.  In spite of an appli­ca­tion from Sergei Magnitsky’s moth­er to bring to jus­tice over 50 offi­cials from the Gen­er­al Prosecutor’s Office, Inte­ri­or Min­istry, FSB and Pen­i­ten­tiary Sys­tem for the mur­der of her son, the Russ­ian Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee closed the case into his death claim­ing absence of crime.

The jour­nal­ist behind yesterday’s fake “evi­dence” on the alleged CIA Plot to kill Sergei Mag­nit­sky is Evgeniy Popov, who works for Rossiya‑1, and has been sanc­tioned by Ukraine for his role in the dis­in­for­ma­tion cam­paign about the war in Ukraine. Ear­li­er in April, Evgeniy Popov trav­eled to Lon­don to obtain a video footage of William Browder’s office there. Police had to be called in because of dis­rup­tion he caused.


Обнародованы имена чиновников, лишивших необходимой медицинской помощи Сергея Магнитского

April 14, 2016

Вчера телеканал «Россия‑1» в рубрике «Специальный корреспондент» распространил лживый видеоматериал о погибшем в следственном изоляторе «Матросская тишина» Сергее Магнитском. 

В материале среди прочей лжи на основе сфабрикованных материалов утверждается, что 20 сентября 2009 года западные спецслужбы через своих доверенных лиц в системе ФСИН России  поставили задачу – убить Сергея Магнитского, лишив его необходимой медицинской помощи.

«Распространять столь вопиющую ложь могут люди, лишенные совести, а воспринимать и обсуждать ее – те, кто готов предать забвению историческую память», — сказал представитель программы «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского».

На самом деле, к моменту так называемой «секретной миссии» Сергей Магнитский уже десять месяцев как удерживался в заключении на основе сфабрикованного обвинения в условиях непрекращающихся истязаний, ночных переводов по камерам, лишения сна, доступа к горячей пище и питьевой воде. В результате этих лишений он  потерял в весе около 18 кг, в следственном изоляторе у него развились тяжелые заболевания – панкреатит, холецистит и желчнокаменная болезнь. Лишения, которым подвергался Сергей Магнитский в этот период, были задокументированы в официальном докладе Совета Европы, проект которого был опубликован еще 18 июня 2009 года и направлен спецдокладчиком ПАСЕ Генеральному прокурору РФ и руководителю Следственного комитета РФ, а после смерти Сергея Магнитского нашли отражение в заключении Общественной наблюдательной комиссии г.Москвы по мониторингу соблюдения прав человека в местах содержания под стражей под руководством Валерия Борщева.

Несмотря на выявленные у Сергея Магнитского в заключении 1 июля 2009 года заболевания (см справку следственного изолятора «Матросская тишина» от 14 июля 2009 года, подписанную исполняющим обязанности руководителя Васильевым) и назначение на проведение дальнейшего обследования и хирургической операции, с санкции следователя Следственного комитета при МВД майора Сильченко (письмо от 2 июля 2009 года) и исполняющего обязанности директора ФСИН РФ генерал-лейтенанта Петрухина (письмо от 15 июля 2009 года в адрес Васильева), 25 июля 2009 года Сергея Магнитского перевели из следственного изолятора «Матросская тишина» в следственный изолятор «Бутырка», где отсутствовали условия для оказания ему медицинской помощи и не было даже препарата УЗИ.

С первого дня заключения в СИЗО «Бутырка» — 25 июля 2009 года — Сергею Магнитскому отказывали в оказании любой медицинской помощи, несмотря на его многочисленные устные и письменные обращения и жалобы его адвокатов.

Во всех жалобах на неоказание медицинской помощи было отказано, либо они были проигнорированы. О подробностях отказов в медицинской помощи рассказано в докладе «Пытки и убийство Сергея Магнитского”. Сокрытие правды государственными органами» и книге «Красный циркуляр» Уильяма Браудера, вышедшей в свет в прошлом году.

«Если кто и является агентом в системе российского правосудия, то это Генеральный прокурор Чайка и его подчиненные, отказывавшие в жалобах Сергея Магнитского и игнорировавшие их», — сказал  представитель  программы «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского».

Несмотря на обращения мамы Сергея Магнитского о привлечении к ответственности за убийство ее сына свыше 50 чиновников МВД, Генеральной прокуратуры, ФСБ и ФСИН, в 2013 году Следственный комитет РФ прекратил уголовное дело о смерти Магнитского за «отсутствием события преступления».

Читайте документы на сайте «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского»:


Bill Browder’s ‘Red Notice’ –New York Times Bestseller – Is Launched in Paperback in the UK

February 12, 2016

Bill Browder’s ‘Red Notice’ –New York Times Best­seller – Is Launched in Paper­back in the UK


12 Feb­ru­ary 2016 – Bill Browder’s ‘Red Notice’, a best sell­ing real-life thriller about one man’s fight for jus­tice against Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin, is launched this week in paper­back in the UK.


Red Notice’ won the hearts and minds of read­ers across the world and became an instant best sell­er when it was pub­lished last year. On Ama­zon it was rat­ed No 1 in Books on Inter­na­tion­al Busi­ness and No 1 in Books on Rus­sia. Enthu­si­as­tic audi­ences have called it “Fab­u­lous, grip­ping and enter­tain­ing!” and a “Chill­ing book about evil in high places.”


Red Notice’ was No 1 in Crime & Pun­ish­ment on the New York Times best sell­er list, and topped book charts across the world on busi­ness, espi­onage and human rights.


80% of read­ers on Ama­zon gave ‘Red Notice’ a 5‑star rat­ing, with 96% of read­ers giv­ing it a 4 or 5 star ranking.


Red Notice’ was among Amazon’s top ten audio books on His­to­ry in Europe, and a top busi­ness book on Ama­zon Kindle.


Read­ers reviews of ‘Red Notice’ on Goodreads and Ama­zon say:


This book was absolute­ly incred­i­ble. I could­n’t put it down. It made me cry, it shocked me, it made me want to hug every per­son who fought so hard to make things right. Incredible!!!”


I’ve rec­om­mend­ed this book many times, and each per­son who reads it is blown away.”


This book should be fic­tion. But it’s not. I was up until 4 a.m. to fin­ish it.”


Rarely has a book gripped me like this. I did­n’t want to do any­thing else but read it. It is utter­ly mes­mer­iz­ing. I loved it, even though I’m not great at under­stand­ing finan­cial con­cepts (the stock mar­ket is a total­ly for­eign place to me), but Brow­der does a good job of explain­ing things in lay­man’s terms.”


I wish I could award more stars. This is, with­out doubt, the best thing I’ve read this decade. I implore my friends, fam­i­ly, and even those I don’t par­tic­u­lar­ly like to treat your­selves to Red Notice.”


Wow, just sim­ply wow.”


Red Notice received 3,123 Rat­ings on Goodreads alone, with 97% of read­ers lik­ing it.


In the UK, Red Notice hit The Sun­day Times best sell­er list and was one of Daun­t’s 2015 books of choice. It was also among the top ten books on the Globe & Mail best­seller list in Cana­da, and No 6 on the Neilsen Best­seller list in New Zealand.
Red Notice has been fea­tured on CNBC’s “What Wall Street is Read­ing this Sum­mer” and on Wall Street’s Spring Break Read­ing List, as well as on New York Times’ End of Sum­mer Read­ing List.


Red Notice is avail­able in shops, online, and in kin­dle and audio ver­sions.  Infor­ma­tion about the book, includ­ing pur­chas­ing links, can be found on the author’s web­site, www.billbrowder.com.


Bill Browder,the  author of ‘Red Notice,’ was the largest for­eign port­fo­lio investor in Rus­sia, until he was declared per­sona non gra­ta by Pres­i­dent Putin. Since 2009 Bill Brow­der has been lead­ing a glob­al jus­tice cam­paign for his mur­dered Russ­ian lawyer, Sergei Mag­nit­sky, which has so far result­ed in the pass­ing of the Mag­nit­sky Law in the Unit­ed States and sim­i­lar res­o­lu­tions in the Euro­pean Parliament.


For more infor­ma­tion please contact: 


Jus­tice for Sergei Magnitsky


+44 207 440 1777

e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org


Twit­ter: @Billbrowder




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