New Magnitsky Sanctions Motion Introduced in the British Parliament

June 3, 2016


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New Mag­nit­sky Sanc­tions Motion Intro­duced in the British Parliament


3 June 2016 – A new Mag­nit­sky sanc­tions motion has been intro­duced in the British Par­lia­ment. The new motion calls for visa sanc­tions and UK asset freezes for indi­vid­u­als affect­ed by the US Mag­nit­sky Rule of Law Account­abil­i­ty Act.


The UK’s Mag­nit­sky Sanc­tions motion express­es con­cern that “many peo­ple in Rus­sia have died as a result of uncov­er­ing fraud, cor­rup­tion and human rights’ abus­es car­ried out in that country.”


The­mo­tion names a num­ber of indi­vid­u­als already sanc­tioned by the US Gov­ern­ment in the Mag­nit­sky case, includ­ing Russ­ian Inte­ri­or Min­istry offi­cials Pavel Kar­pov, Artem Kuznetsov, Oleg Silchenko, Natalya Vino­grado­va, as well Russ­ian tax offi­cials Olga Stepano­va and Ele­na Khimina.


The UK’s ear­ly day Mag­nit­sky Sanc­tions motion has been signed by mem­bers of all major UK polit­i­cal par­ties, includ­ing the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty, Labour Par­ty, Social Demo­c­ra­t­ic and Labour Par­ty, Scot­tish Nation­al Par­ty, and Lib­er­al Democrats.


The British Gov­ern­ment should pur­sue those linked to Mag­nit­sky’s death,” said Tom Brake, MP, the pri­ma­ry spon­sor of the Mag­nit­sky Sanc­tions motion.


The new Mag­nit­sky Sanc­tions motion comes at a time when the Russ­ian gov­ern­ment is con­duct­ing a full-scale assault on Mag­nit­sky sanc­tions sup­port­ers both inside and out­side the coun­try. In the last month the Russ­ian author­i­ties opened a crim­i­nal case against William Brow­der and Alex­ei Naval­ny for a pur­port­ed CIA plot to kill Sergei Mag­nit­sky in Russ­ian police cus­tody. They also opened a crim­i­nal case against Alex­ei Naval­ny for alleged slan­der against US-sanc­tioned Russ­ian Inte­ri­or Min­istry offi­cer Pavel Kar­pov. In the con­text of that case, this week the Russ­ian Inte­ri­or Min­istry raid­ed Alex­ei Navalny’s home, seized all his phones, com­put­er and Inter­net equip­ment, as well as his daughter’s phone and computer.


U.S. Pres­i­dent Oba­ma signed the Sergei Mag­nit­sky Rule of Law Account­abil­i­ty Act of 2012 into law on Decem­ber 14, 2012. In Feb­ru­ary 2016, U.S. Sec­re­tary of State John Ker­ry sub­mit­ted to Con­gress the third annu­al report out­lin­ing the U.S. Government’s actions to imple­ment the Mag­nit­sky Act, and a new list of per­sons added to the Mag­nit­sky sanc­tions list.


For fur­ther infor­ma­tion please contact:


Jus­tice for Sergei Magnitsky

+44 207 440 1777



UK Ear­ly Day Mag­nit­sky Sanc­tions Motion intro­duced in the Parliament: – 161344

В британский парламент внесена новая резолюция о санкциях Магнитского

June 3, 2016


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В британский парламент внесена новая резолюция о санкциях Магнитского 


3 июня 2016 года – В британский парламент внесена новая резолюция о санкциях Магнитского. Резолюция предусматривает запрет на выдачу английских виз и замораживание активов в Великобритании для лиц, причастных к многомиллиардным хищениям бюджетных средств, раскрытых Сергеем Магнитским, и его убийству, подпадающих под действие Закона Магнитского, одобренного в США.


В новой резолюции о санкциях Магнитского выражена тревога в связи с гибелью и гонениями в России людей, изобличающих мошенничество, коррупцию и нарушения прав человека.


Резолюция о санкциях Магнитского поддержана представителями всех ведущих политических партий Великобритании, включая партии консерваторов, лейбористов, либерал-демократов, социал-демократов и Шотландскую национальную партию.


В резолюцию о санкциях Магнитского включены имена ряда сотрудников МВД России, в том числе Павла Карпова, Артема Кузнецова, Олега Сильченко, Натальи Виноградовой, а также российских налоговых чиновниц Елены Химиной и Ольги Степановой, одобривших мошеннический возврат из бюджета на счета преступников из организации Дмитрия Клюева в общей сложности 5,4 миллиардов рублей – преступления, раскрытого Сергеем Магнитским.


Сергей Магнитский, раскрывший схему хищения 5,4 миллиардов рублей и давший показания против чиновников, был арестован по сфабрикованному обвинению, в течение 358 дней удерживался в заключении и был убит 16 ноября 2009 года в следственном изоляторе «Матросская тишина» в возрасте 37 лет.


В начале мая 2016 г. в Британском парламенте прошли слушания в отношении обнаружения в Великобритании свыше 30 миллионов долларов, отмытых преступным сообществом Дмитрия Клюева.  Поступившие средства были потрачены на оплату роскошных яхт, услуг именитых архитекторов, эксклюзивных дизайнеров, ведущих риэлторов элитного жилья, аренду частных самолетов, дорогостоящие покупки в модных бутиках, обучение в элитарном колледже, престижные кредитные карты и т.д.


О подробностях дела Сергея Магнитского читайте в книге Уильяма Браудера «Красный циркуляр», ставшей международным бестселлером. Книга доступна российскому читателю в электронном виде бесплатно: Notice_RU_FINAL.pdf


Программа «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского»

+44 207 440 1777


Twit­ter: @Billbrowder


Резолюция о санкциях Магнитского, внесенная в Парламент Великобритании: – 161344

Hermitage Seeks Money Laundering Investigation In Estonia Into Deputy Mayor of Moscow in Magnitsky Case

June 1, 2016


For Imme­di­ate distribution


Her­mitage Seeks Mon­ey Laun­der­ing Inves­ti­ga­tion In Esto­nia Into Deputy May­or of Moscow in Mag­nit­sky Case


1 June 2016 – Her­mitage Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment has filed a crim­i­nal com­plaint with the Eston­ian Gen­er­al Pros­e­cu­tor seek­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion of funds received by an Eston­ian com­pa­ny, Trans­group Invest AS, which was 50% owned by Max­im Lik­su­tov, who is cur­rent­ly deputy May­or of Moscow.


In 2012, Trans­group Invest AS received US$336,153 from Zibar Man­age­ment Inc, an off­shore com­pa­ny reg­is­tered in BVI and used by the Klyuev Orga­nized Crime Group to laun­der pro­ceeds from the US$230 mil­lion fraud uncov­ered by Sergei Mag­nit­sky.


The funds were wired to Trans­group Invest AS from account of Zibar Man­age­ment Inc with Cypri­ot branch of FBME, which had its licence revoked by the Cen­tral Bank in Decem­ber 2015.


Zibar Man­age­ment’s nom­i­nal direc­tor, British cit­i­zen, Andrew Moray Stu­art, served as direc­tor of hun­dreds oth­er com­pa­nies, includ­ing 214 BVI com­pa­nies, 36 UK com­pa­nies, 43 Irish and 4 New Zealand com­pa­nies. While the com­pa­ny was dor­mant in BVI, it wired from its Cypri­ot account hun­dred thou­sands of dol­lars, includ­ing over $300,000 to Max­im Liksutov’s com­pa­ny in Estonia.


Accord­ing to inves­ti­ga­tion of Pana­ma Papers by Ger­man news­pa­per Süd­deutsche Zeitung and Russ­ian Novaya Gaze­ta, Max­im Lik­su­tov had a 50% share in Trans­group Invest, reg­is­tered in Esto­nia pri­or to becom­ing deputy may­or of Moscow. Sev­er­al months after the receipt of funds from Zibar Man­age­ment, Max­im Lik­su­tov trans­ferred his share in Trans­group Invest to his wife, Tatiana, who he soon divorced.


Max­im Lik­su­tov was ranked 157 in the Forbes Rus­sia rich list in 2013, with an esti­mat­ed for­tune of $650 mil­lion. In the Moscow City gov­ern­ment, Max­im Lik­su­tov is in charge of transportation.


Pre­vi­ous­ly, it was report­ed that a son of the Trans­porta­tion Min­is­ter and Vice Pre­mier of the Moscow Region Denis Kat­syv is fac­ing Swiss and US mon­ey laun­der­ing inves­ti­ga­tions into his Cypri­ot com­pa­ny, Pre­ve­zon Hold­ings, which is alleged to have received pro­ceeds of the US$230 mil­lion fraud. His father Petr Kat­syv, cur­rent­ly Vice Pres­i­dent of Russ­ian state monop­oly, Russ­ian Rail­ways, was ranked 65 in the Forbes list of Russia’s rich­est offi­cials.


A cel­list Sergei Roldug­in, a close friend of Vladimir Putin, was recent­ly iden­ti­fied as 

yet anoth­er recip­i­ent of funds con­nect­ed to the US$230 mil­lion fraud into his cor­po­rate Swiss account, accord­ing to “Pana­ma Papers” investigation.


Sergei Mag­nit­sky, Hermitage’s lawyer who uncov­ered the US$230 mil­lion fraud and tes­ti­fied about the com­plic­i­ty of Russ­ian offi­cials in it, was false­ly arrest­ed, detained for 358 days with­out tri­al, tor­tured and killed in Russ­ian police cus­tody at the age of 37.


The unprece­dent­ed events of this case are described in the New-York Times best-sell­er “Red Notice. How I Became Putin’s No 1 Ene­my by William Brow­der, leader of the glob­al Mag­nit­sky jus­tice move­ment, and in a series of jus­tice cam­paign videos on Youtube chan­nel “Russ­ian Untouch­ables.”


For more infor­ma­tion, please contact:


Jus­tice for Sergei Magnitsky

+44 207 440 1777





White House Rejects Crude Attempt to Repeal Magnitsky Sanctions

May 31, 2016


For Imme­di­ate distribution


White House Rejects Crude Attempt to Repeal Mag­nit­sky Sanctions


31 May 2016 – The White House has reaf­firmed its com­mit­ment to the US Mag­nit­sky Act in a strong­ly-word­ed response to a peti­tion post­ed on the White House web­site in April 2016 by an anony­mous “R.T.” call­ing for the repeal of the US Mag­nit­sky Act.


More than six years after his [Magnitsky’s] death, we remain dis­turbed by the impuni­ty for this and oth­er vio­lent crimes against activists, jour­nal­ists, and the polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion. We are also con­cerned by the grow­ing atmos­phere of intim­i­da­tion toward those who work to uncov­er cor­rup­tion or human rights vio­la­tions in the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion,” said the White House in its state­ment in response to the petition.


The White House reit­er­at­ed its posi­tion on the Mag­nit­sky Act expressed ear­li­er by the U.S. State Department:


The Admin­is­tra­tion intends to car­ry out and ful­ly imple­ment the Mag­nit­sky Act. It reflects our sup­port for human rights and that those respon­si­ble for human rights abus­es should be held to account…That’s what the act says; that’s what we intend to do.”


The White House said that indi­vid­u­als added to the U.S. Mag­nit­sky sanc­tions list in Feb­ru­ary 2016 “play sig­nif­i­cant roles in the repres­sive machin­ery of Russia’s law enforce­ment sys­tems,” and their inclu­sion was effect­ed “after exten­sive research, includ­ing con­sul­ta­tions with Russ­ian and/or inter­na­tion­al civ­il society.”


Efforts to imple­ment the Mag­nit­sky Act have so far result­ed in a sig­nif­i­cant list of indi­vid­u­als respon­si­ble for Magnitsky’s death and sub­se­quent cov­er-up, as well as oth­ers respon­si­ble for gross human rights vio­la­tions. The list pro­motes account­abil­i­ty for their actions,” said the White House in its online response to the petition.


The anti-Mag­nit­sky peti­tion was a lat­est in a series of pro­pa­gan­da and intim­i­da­tion attempts by the Russ­ian gov­ern­ment and its prox­ies since the begin­ning of the year to over­turn the Mag­nit­sky Act in the US and pre­vent its pas­sage in Cana­da and Europe.


These ini­tia­tives were launched by Russ­ian For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Sergei Lavrov at a Jan­u­ary 2016 press con­fer­ence where he allud­ed to new devel­op­ments in the Mag­nit­sky case. Since then, the Rus­sians set up an anti-Mag­nit­sky Act NGO in Delaware called the Human Rights Account­abil­i­ty Glob­al Ini­tia­tive Foun­da­tion. This new NGO is being rep­re­sent­ed by Natalia Vesel­nit­skaya, the Russ­ian lawyer for alleged mon­ey laun­der­er Denis Kat­syv, whose com­pa­nies are sus­pect­ed by the US Jus­tice Depart­ment and the Swiss Gen­er­al Pros­e­cu­tor of receiv­ing pro­ceeds from the US$230 mil­lion crime Sergei Mag­nit­sky had uncovered.


Anoth­er anti-Mag­nit­sky ini­tia­tive includ­ed two anti-Mag­nit­sky pro­pa­gan­da films. The first one was aired in April 2016 in Russ­ian lan­guage on the main pro-Krem­lin Russ­ian TV sta­tion. It claimed the dis­cov­ery of a CIA plot to mur­der Sergei Mag­nit­sky in Moscow deten­tion in order to blame his death on the Russ­ian author­i­ties. To authen­ti­cate the pur­port­ed CIA plot, the Rus­sians forged CIA doc­u­ments and retained Andrew Ful­ton, a for­mer UK diplo­mat, who now chairs GPW, a pri­vate spy firm in Lon­don, to sign a report “ver­i­fy­ing” the Russ­ian-pro­duced doc­u­ments as gen­uine CIA documents.


The sec­ond anti-Mag­nit­sky pro­pa­gan­da film was pro­duced for a West­ern audi­ence by film­mak­er Andrei Nekrasov, who claims Sergei Mag­nit­sky was not beat­en in cus­tody and was not a whistle­blow­er despite pub­licly avail­able evi­dence to the con­trary. Nerkasov’s film bases its asser­tions on state­ments from ex-Russ­ian Inte­ri­or Min­istry offi­cers Kar­pov and Lap­shov, both sanc­tioned by the US Gov­ern­ment for their role in the Mag­nit­sky case.


U.S. Pres­i­dent Oba­ma signed the Sergei Mag­nit­sky Rule of Law Account­abil­i­ty Act of 2012 into law on Decem­ber 14, 2012. In Feb­ru­ary 2016, U.S. Sec­re­tary of State John Ker­ry sub­mit­ted to Con­gress the third annu­al report out­lin­ing the U.S. Government’s actions to imple­ment the Mag­nit­sky Act, and a new list of per­sons added to the Mag­nit­sky sanc­tions list.


Despite wide­ly-pub­li­cized, com­pelling evi­dence of crim­i­nal con­duct result­ing in Sergei Magnitsky’s deten­tion, abuse, and death, Russ­ian author­i­ties have failed to bring to jus­tice those respon­si­ble. This law [Mag­nit­sky Act] holds Rus­sians account­able for their roles in the Mag­nit­sky case or their respon­si­bil­i­ty for cer­tain gross vio­la­tions of human rights,” said the White House in its statement.


For fur­ther infor­ma­tion please contact:


Jus­tice for Sergei Magnitsky

+44 207 440 1777



White House online response to the petition

Sergei Magnitsky’s Widow Requests That Film Slandering Her Murdered Husband is Withdrawn From Norwegian Film Festival

May 30, 2016


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Sergei Magnitsky’s Wid­ow Requests That Film Slan­der­ing Her Mur­dered Hus­band is With­drawn From Nor­we­gian Film Festival


30 May 2016 – The wid­ow of Sergei Mag­nit­sky has writ­ten to the Nor­we­gian Kort­film­fes­ti­valen request­ing the fes­ti­val to with­draw the film, which posthu­mous­ly slan­ders her mur­dered hus­band, from its June 2016 program.


The fam­i­ly of Sergei Mag­nit­sky oppos­es the dis­tri­b­u­tion of “The Mag­nit­sky Act” film by Russ­ian film­mak­er Andrei Nekrasov in any form, giv­en its false and defam­a­to­ry con­tent, high­ly degrad­ing of the deceased Sergei Mag­nit­sky and hurt­ful to the feel­ings of the Mag­nit­sky moth­er and wid­ow,” said the Mag­nit­sky fam­i­ly in their statement.


There is no pub­lic inter­est in pub­lish­ing and dis­trib­ut­ing infor­ma­tion that is know­ing­ly false, espe­cial­ly when this infor­ma­tion caus­es pain and suf­fer­ing to the fam­i­ly of the deceased and is degrad­ing to his mem­o­ry. The know­ing dis­tri­b­u­tion of mali­cious false­hoods about a deceased per­son will make the fes­ti­val com­plic­it in it,” said Sergei Magnitsky’s widow.


Russ­ian film­mak­er Andrei Nekrasov claimed in his inter­view in a Nor­we­gian news­pa­per Dag­bladet on 26 May 2016 that he had con­duct­ed ”inten­sive research” on which the film is based.


The Mag­nit­sky fam­i­ly strong­ly dis­agrees, saying:


Had Andrei Nekrasov gen­uine­ly con­duct­ed the research, he would have come across pub­licly avail­able evi­dence that con­tra­dicts his asser­tions, and demon­strates that they are untrue.” “It is clear from the review of the pub­lic record on the Mag­nit­sky case, how­ev­er, that no respon­si­ble research was conducted.”


In his film, Andrei Nekrasov claims that Sergei Mag­nit­sky was not a lawyer, when offi­cial Russ­ian court records and Mag­nit­sky’s own tes­ti­mo­ny demon­strates the fal­si­ty of this claim, show­ing that Mag­nit­sky rep­re­sent­ed clients in courts and iden­ti­fied him­self as a lawyer.


Next, Nekrasov false­ly claims that Sergei Mag­nit­sky did not blow the whis­tle on the com­plic­i­ty of Russ­ian police offi­cers in the fraud in his tes­ti­mo­ny before his arrest, when Sergei Mag­nit­sky named the offi­cers 27 times in his 5 June 2008 testimony.


Nekrasov also false­ly claims that Sergei Mag­nit­sky had not been beat­en before his death in cus­tody, when this is con­tra­dict­ed by offi­cial autop­sy pho­tos show­ing seri­ous injuries. It is also con­tra­dict­ed by: the Russ­ian state death cer­tifi­cate refer­ring to a cere­bral cra­nial injury; the Russ­ian gov­ern­men­t’s record describ­ing the use of rub­ber batons on Mag­nit­sky the night he died; and the Russ­ian gov­ern­men­t’s expert con­clu­sion describ­ing Mag­nit­sky’s injuries com­ing from blunt force trauma.


In addi­tion, Andrei Nekrasov false­ly claims that some­body else, not Sergei Mag­nit­sky, report­ed the US$230 mil­lion fraud, despite the doc­u­men­tary evi­dence that the first report about the US$230 mil­lion fraud was made in July 2008 by Her­mitage on the basis of Magnitsky’s inves­ti­ga­tion into the crime.


Because of the demon­stra­bly false and defam­a­to­ry con­tent, the screen­ing of the film by Andrei Nekrasov has been can­celled at the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment, by French TV sta­tion ARTE and Ger­man TV sta­tion ZDF.


The false and defam­a­to­ry infor­ma­tion about Sergei Mag­nit­sky pre­sent­ed in this film is con­trary to the evi­dence from Russ­ian gov­ern­ment bod­ies, inves­ti­ga­tions by inde­pen­dent Russ­ian human rights organ­i­sa­tions, find­ings and con­clu­sions by numer­ous inter­na­tion­al organ­i­sa­tions includ­ing the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment, the Par­lia­men­tary Assem­bly of the Coun­cil of Europe, the Par­lia­men­tary Assem­bly of the OSCE, the Moscow Helsin­ki Group, the US Helsin­ki Com­mis­sion, the US Con­gress, the Nor­we­gian Helsin­ki Com­mit­tee, the UN Rap­por­teur on Tor­ture and Oth­er Cru­el, Inhu­man and Degrad­ing Treat­ment, and others.


In addi­tion to pre­sent­ing false infor­ma­tion about Sergei Mag­nit­sky, degrad­ing his mem­o­ry and his sac­ri­fice, the film presents a fic­tion­alised por­tray­al of Sergei Mag­nit­sky as a per­son, cre­ates a fic­ti­tious iden­ti­ty of him and presents his fic­ti­tious con­ver­sa­tions with oth­ers, that are untrue, and removed from real­i­ty, that also do not jus­ti­fy and con­tra­dict the depic­tion of this film as ”doc­u­men­tary,” said the Mag­nit­sky family.


Kort­film­fes­ti­valen in Nor­way has been informed of the Mag­nit­sky family’s con­cern against dis­play­ing or in any oth­er way dis­trib­ut­ing the film’s con­tent, con­trary to the Nor­we­gian Dam­ages Act, which pro­hibits dis­tri­b­u­tion of false infor­ma­tion to cause harm to people’s reputation.


For fur­ther infor­ma­tion please contact:


Jus­tice for Sergei Magnitsky

+44 207 440 1777


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