// In The Press
Forbes Russia: Как посадить оборотня в погонах
November 10, 2009
В России научились наказывать милиционеров за коррупцию. Но кардинально решить проблему может только расформирование МВД
Как посадить зарвавшегося милиционера — Как менять милицию
В России действуют несколько сообществ юристов и журналистов, которые специализируются на уголовном преследовании милиционеров за убийства, пытки и коррупцию. За восемь лет в делах с их участием обвинительный приговор выслушали 150 сотрудников милиции из 15 регионов России. Еще два десятка милиционеров отметят свой профессиональный праздник в статусе подозреваемых, обвиняемых и подсудимых. Десятки миллионов рублей из казны получили пострадавшие от их действий.
Статья опубликована в русской версии Forbes.

Al Jazeera: Interview with William Browder
October 28, 2009

SKY: YouTube is completely democratic, no one could block it
October 21, 2009
For more than a decade, Bill Browder of Hermitage Capital Management was one of the largest foreign investors in Russia.
But in an interview for Jeff Randall Live he has alleged that he has been the victim of a conspiracy that has seen him being refused re-entry into the country and the seizure of his company’s documents.

Reuters: The Hermitage case and corruption in Russia
October 20, 2009
Foreign investors have come to accept that Russia is a pretty unforgiving place to put your money. Just ask BP, which was embroiled last year in a bitter feud at its joint venture TNK-BP, during the course of which BP endured a slew of questionable investigations and court cases. Or Norway’s Telenor, pressured recently into settling a dispute with its local partners under pain of seeing its stake at Russian mobile operator Vimpelcom confiscated by the government.
Such cases show how powerful interests seem able to use the legal process to extract money and concessions from foreign investors. But one foreigner’s tale makes even these well-known controversies look mild. Hermitage Capital Management, once the largest foreign investor in the Russian stock market, has become embroiled in a case that raises even more disturbing questions about the Russian justice system.
Hermitage claims to have uncovered evidence which shows that Russian gangsters conspired with bent cops and corrupt courts to steal three of its Russian subsidiaries, and subsequently used them to loot $230 million from the Russian budget by reclaiming taxes those companies had paid.

Эхо Москвы: Интервью с Уильямом Браудером
October 20, 2009
Гости: Уильям Браудер
Ведущие: Алексей Дыховичный, Антонина Самсонова
Передача: Разворот