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Bill Browder Testified to British Parliament about the Luxury Spending Spree by Klyuev Money Laundering Network in London
May 4, 2016
For Immediate distribution
Bill Browder Testified to British Parliament about the Luxury Spending Spree by Klyuev Money Laundering Network in London
4 May 2016 – Bill Browder, leader of the global “Justice for Sergei Magnitsky” campaign, revealed the results of a 6‑year long investigation of the Klyuev money laundering network uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky. Magnitsky, Hermitage’s outside legal counsel, was killed in Russian police custody after giving testimony about Russian officials’ complicity in the US$230 million fraud – the largest known tax refund fraud in modern Russian history.
In the testimony given to the UK Parliament’s Home Affairs Committee, William Browder identified more than US$30 million in proceeds which came to the UK through the Klyuev money laundering network.
The head of the network, Dmitry Klyuev, was sentenced in Russia in 2006, and was sanctioned by the US Government in 2014 for his role in the Magnitsky case under the US law, “Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act.”
Dmitry Klyuev was owner of ‘Universal Savings Bank,’ which received a portion of the stolen US$230 million directly from the Russian treasury. Some of these proceeds, through a series of shell companies, ended up in the Cyprus bank accounts of his two connected BVI companies, Altem Invest and Zibar Management, which then wired funds to the UK.
In addition, the Klyuev money laundering network used UKIO BANKAS (Lithuania) for extensive money laundering, accumulating and laundering proceeds from the US$230 million fraud and related criminal activity, and wiring them abroad, including to recipients in the UK.
US$30 million were spent in the UK to hire private jets, pay for exclusive interior design projects, pay tuition at an exclusive college, purchase a wedding dress and clothing from fashion boutiques, spend money through elite credit cards on a personal concierge service, and make payments to architects and property agents.
- US$295,622 was spent on Glamour Credit Card, promoted as “strictly by invitation only,” “catering to the wealthiest ladies worldwide,” offering “access to a privileged and luxurious service the likes of which have never before existed,” with “no spending limit.”
- Over US$175,000 was paid to hire private jets.
- US$240,000 was spent on a yacht.
- Nearly US$200,000 was paid to an exclusive home and yacht interior designer in Chelsea.
- US$259,532 was sent to a lady connected to an expensive property in Surrey.
- Over US$40,000 was paid to a couture wedding dress designer in London, Phillipa Lepley.
- About US$20,000 was spent on payment to a London fashion boutique “La Petite S.”
- US$100,000 went to an award-winning luxury architect and interior design company.
- £115,315 was wired to Harrods Estate, a luxury property agent.
- £2,500 was spent on Quintessentially, a premier personal concierge service.
- £19,500 was wired for property rental to a London real estate agent.
- £18,470 was spent on fashion items from a fashion label.
This is the first time that money from the crime uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky have been shown to reach recipients in the UK.
The Klyuev money laundering network used nearly every major UK bank.
Several UK citizens provided their services as directors for shell companies used in the Klyuev money laundering network. Some of the companies used in the Klyuev money laundering network were also registered in the UK, but held accounts with banks in the Baltics to conceal their illicit activity.
John Wortley Hunt was director of Altem Invest Ltd, owned by Dmitry Klyuev, which received proceeds from the US$230 million fraud and then sent funds to the UK. John Hunt was also listed as a director of 256 BVI companies, 364 UK companies, 29 Irish and 3 New Zealand companies, according to previous reports.
Andrew Moray Stuart was a director for a company owned by Vladlen Stepanov, the husband of Russian Tax Official Olga Stepanova, who approved a significant portion of the illegal US$230 million tax refund. Andrew Moray Stuart was also a director of Forres Limited, which received and sent funds stolen from the Russian treasury through a number of shell companies to the UK. According to previous reporting by investigative journalists, Andrew Moray Stuart was listed as nominal director of 214 BVI companies, 36 UK companies, 43 Irish and 4 New Zealand companies.
Damian Calderbank was director of Kareras Limited, registered in the UK, which siphoned stolen funds and routed them through a series of shell companies to the UK. He was registered as director of 708 companies, according to previous reports.
Past submissions to the UK law enforcement authorities from Hermitage on the activities of the Klyuev Organised Crime Group in the UK were met with reluctance to investigate.
This is in contrast to actions taken by authorities in other countries, where over US$40 million in funds connected to the crime exposed by Sergei Magnitsky have been frozen:
- The US court froze US$14 million in illicit funds, traced by the U.S. Department of Justice to Manhattan real estate and bank accounts of Denis Katsyv, the son of a senior Russian government official.
- The Swiss General Prosecutor froze about US$6 million in accounts belonging to the same Denis Katsyv and his companies and associates in Switzerland.
- In addition, the Swiss General Prosecutor froze over US$10 million in bank accounts of Vladlen Stepanov, the husband of a Russian tax official who approved part of the US$230 fraudulent tax refund.
- Last year, the French authorities froze millions of euros on accounts after launching an investigation into the US$230 million fraud uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky.
“We hope that with the new evidence of substantial spending in the UK, UK authorities will now take a robust approach to investigating and prosecuting those in the UK involved in the money laundering network uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky,” said a representative of the ‘Justice for Sergei Magnitsky’ campaign.
The UK Parliament’s Home Affairs Committee’s inquiry is currently looking at the effectiveness of measures introduced in the UK’s Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, in depriving criminals of any benefit from their crimes.
For more information, please contact:
Justice for Sergei Magnitsky
+44 207 440 1777
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org
Twitter: @Billbrowder

30 миллионов долларов, связанных с раскрытым Сергеем Магнитским преступлением, обнаружены в Великобритании
May 4, 2016
Для немедленного распространения
30 миллионов долларов, связанных с раскрытым Сергеем Магнитским преступлением, обнаружены в Великобритании
4 мая 2016 года – Выступивший в парламенте Великобритании руководитель кампании «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского» Уильям Браудер сообщил об обнаружении свыше 30 миллионов долларов, отмытых преступным сообществом Дмитрия Клюева, поступивших в Великобританию. Деньги поступали с литовских и кипрских счетов оффшорных фирм, участвовавших в отмывании похищенных из российского бюджета денег, – преступления, раскрытого Сергеем Магнитским.
Поступившие средства были потрачены россиянами на оплату роскошных яхт, услуг именитых архитекторов, эксклюзивных дизайнеров, ведущих риэлторов элитного жилья, аренду частных самолетов, дорогостоящие покупки в модных бутиках, обучения в элитарном колледже, престижные кредитные карты и т.д.
Среди лиц, содействовавших преступной группе Клюева в отмывании денег, установлены и британские граждане (Калдербанк, Стюарт, Хант и др.) выступившие директорами отмывочных компаний преступного синдиката. Ряд компаний номинально был зарегистрирован на территории Великобритании, но отмывал средства через банковские счета стран Балтии. Имена этих директоров фигурировали раньше в расследованиях британских журналистов о номинальных директорах оффшорных компаний, связанных с укрывательством доходов.
Выступая перед депутатами британского парламента, Уильям Браудер заявил о необходимости провести тщательное расследование собранных фактов и добиться того, чтобы виновные понесли ответственность в соответствии с законом.
Дмитрий Клюев внесен правительством США в санкционный список Магнитского. Клюев являлся владельцем банка «Универсальный банк сбережений», через который были отмыты украденные у россиян под видом возврата налога 5,4 миллиардов рублей в 2007г., и годом ранее похищенные по той же схеме 3 миллиарда рублей. Часть этих средств оказались на кипрских счетах связанных с ним компаний «Альтем Инвест» и «Зибар Менеджмент», откуда далее переведены в Великобританию в оплату предметов роскоши, фешенебельной недвижимости, элитного отдыха и передвижения.
Другая часть поступивших в Великобританию преступных доходов была отмыта через литовский банк Ukio Bankas, владелец которого Владимир Романов разыскивается властями Литвы.
Поступившие в Великобританию средства были направлены:
- 240 тысяч долларов – на оплату яхт,
- 175 тысяч долларов – на оплату частных самолетов,
- Почти 200 тысяч долларов – на оплату услуг люксовых дизайнеров внутреннего интерьера.
- Почти 300 тысяч долларов – на безлимитную кредитную карту «Гламур», предлагаемую «исключительно по приглашению» «богатейшим людям мира» и предоставляющую их обладателю доступ к «невиданной ранее роскоши и привилегиям»,
- Свыше 40 тысяч долларов – на покупку свадебного платья лондонского кутюрье «PhillipaLepley»;
- 100 тысяч долларов — в оплату услуг знаменитого архитектора эксклюзивного дизайнерского агентства;
- 115 тысяч фунтов – на счет ведущей риэлторской компании Лондона;
- Около 20 тысяч фунтов – в оплату аренды жилья другой английской риэлторской компании;
- Свыше 18 тысячи фунтов – на оплату эксклюзивной дизайнерской одежды.
О результатах расследования стало известно в ходе слушаний, прошедших в британском парламенте. Слушания организованы Комитетом парламента по внутренним делам (HomeAffairsCommittee) по вопросу об эффективности применения закона «О доходах от преступлений».
За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь:
Программа «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского»
+44 207 440 1777
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org
Twitter: @Billbrowder

William Browder Will Testify at the British Parliament on Details of a Russian Luxury Spending Spree in London of Money Connected to Crime Uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky
May 3, 2016
For Immediate distribution
William Browder Will Testify at the British Parliament on Details of a Russian Luxury Spending Spree in London of Money Connected to Crime Uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky
3 May 2016 – Today, at 3 pm, William Browder, leader of the global “Justice for Sergei Magnitsky” campaign, will testify in front of the UK Parliament’s Home Affairs Committeeabout the Russian money laundering in the UK and the implementation of the Proceeds of Crime Act.
Mr Browder will reveal results of a six-year long investigation into the money laundering and proceeds of corruption exposed by Sergei Magnitsky, which led to Magnitsky’s arrest, torture and murder in Russian police custody at the age of 37.
The information will include detailed descriptions of luxury purchases in London and surrounding counties totalling US$30 million connected to the money laundering network uncovered thanks to Sergei Magnitsky.
This investigation was assisted by Alexander Perepilichnyy, a Russian whistleblower who came forward after Sergei Magnitsky’s death and provided bank statements leading to more than US$15 million being frozen by Swiss Prosecutor General in a separate Swiss money laundering investigation. Perepilichnyy died in November 2012 in suspicious circumstances in front of his home in Weybridge, Surrey at the age of 44.
The investigation into the Magnitsky case has recently revealed a connection of the proceeds from the crime Sergei Magnitsky uncovered to the ‘Panama Papers,’ and specifically to Sergei Roldugin, President Putin’s long-time friend and cellist.
For more information, please contact:
Justice for Sergei Magnitsky
+44 207 440 1777
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org
Twitter: @Billbrowder

После клеветнической акции в Европарламенте депутаты от пяти политических фракций призвали принять санкции Магнитского на территории всего Евросоюза
May 3, 2016
Для немедленного распространения
После клеветнической акции в Европарламенте депутаты от пяти политических фракций призвали принять санкции Магнитского на территории всего Евросоюза
3 мая 2016 года – Депутаты от пяти политических фракций Европарламента обратились к главе по внешним связям Евросоюза Федерике Могерини с требованием незамедлительной реализации санкций Магнитского на территории Евросоюза.
Обращение последовало после проведения на прошлой неделе в Европарламенте акции по очернению памяти Сергея Магнитского, в которой приняли участие Павел Карпов и Андрей Павлов – фигурирующие под №7 и №15 в санкционном списке Европарламента.
“Присутствие в Европейском парламенте этих лиц … указывает на необходимость централизованного подхода со стороны Евросоюза, и вице-президент Могерини должна обеспечить принятие санкций на уровне Совета Евросоюза», — говорится в заявлении депутатов Европарламента.
“Мы выражаем протест против допуска лиц, входящих в принятый Европарламентом санкционный список, в здание Европарламента и их участия в мероприятии, запланированном на 27 апреля, которое, очевидно, используется как часть более широкой кампании по дискредитации критиков российского руководства внутри страны и за ее пределами и принижению роли Сергея Магнитского и его трагической гибели», - указывается в совместном коммюнике, подписанном руководителем комитета по внешним связям Европарламента Элмаром Броком, руководителями фракций Европарламента Ребеккой Хармс и Ги Верховштадтом, а также депутатами от различных стран, входящих в состав Евросоюза.
В мероприятии в прошлую среду 27 апреля 2016 года в Брюсселе также участвовали представители сына бывшего высокопоставленного чиновника Московской области и нынешнего вице-президента «РЖД» — Дениса Кацыва, имущество которого на 14 миллионов долларов США арестовано судом США по обвинению в отмывании части похищенных из российского бюджета 5,4 миллиардов рублей – преступления, раскрытого Сергеем Магнитским.
За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь:
Программа «Справедливость для Сергея Магнитского»
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org
Twitter: @Billbrowder

Leaders of the European Parliament Call on Mogherini To Impose EU-Wide Magnitsky Sanctions in the Wake of the Anti-Magnitsky Event held in Brussels last week
May 2, 2016
For Immediate distribution
Leaders of the European Parliament Call on Mogherini To Impose EU-Wide Magnitsky Sanctions in the Wake of the Anti-Magnitsky Event held in Brussels last week
2 May 2016 – Following the anti-Magnitsky event held at the European parliament last Wednesday, and attended by Russians included on European Parliament’s sanctions list, today leading members of the European Parliament have called on Federica Mogherini, EU’s foreign affairs chief, to implement Magnitsky sanctions in Europe.
The call on Federica Mogherini, in charge of EU’s foreign policy, is signed by Elmar Brok, Chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, Rebecca Harms, president of The Greens – European Free Alliance group, Guy Verhofstadt, chair of the Alde Group, and other members of the European parliament from EPP, ECR, S&D, Alde, and Greens/EFA political groups.
Two years ago, on 2 April 2014, the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling on the EU Council of Ministers to sanction 32 Russian individuals, connected to the case of Sergei Magnitsky and his killing in Russian police custody after exposing the US$230 million fraud. Since then, no action was taken by European External Action Service. In January 2015, Ms Mogherini advised the European parliamentarians she did not think it was a good policy.
Last week, on 27 April 2016, a delegation of Russians, including Pavel Karpov and Andrei Pavlov who are No 7 and No 15 on the European Parliament’s Magnitsky Sanctions Resolution list, attended an anti-Magnitsky event at the European parliament in Brussels, which was widely covered by Russian media. The event was organized by Heidi Hautala, MEP from Finland, to screen a defamatory film about Sergei Magnitsky produced by her Russian boyfriend, Andrei Nekrasov. The film falsely claims that Sergei Magnitsky had not been beaten in custody and had not named police officers in his testimonies for their role in the fraud to steal US$230 million from the Russian budget. Ms Hautala invited Andrei Pavlov and Pavel Karpov, two people on the 32-people sanctions list approved by the parliament, to attend the event.
“The presence in the European Parliament of two of these individuals, targeted by international sanctions, shows clearly the need for concerted EU action, and that HRVP Mogherini must finally bring the Magnitsky sanctions to the Council for adoption,” said the statement by leaders of the European Parliament.
“We, members of the European Parliament, strongly protest against the fact that two individuals named on a European Parliament’s sanctions list received access to and participated in an event in the EP held on 27 April this year … which appears to be used as part of a broader campaign to discredit critics of the Russian leadership, both inside and outside the country, and to denigrate Sergey Magnitsky’s personality and his tragic death in a Russian prison cell,” said leaders of the European Parliament.
Pavel Karpov and Andrei Pavlov are No 7 and No 15 on the European Parliament’s Magnitsky list, which recommends the EU Council of Ministers to impose visa sanctions and asset freezes on those who were involved in the crimes against Sergei Magnitsky.
#7: KARPOV, Pavel, born 27 August 1977;
#15: PAVLOV, Andrey (a.k.a. Pavlov, Andrei), born 7 August 1977;
Andrei Pavlov greeting Heidi Hautala, MEP, 27 April 2016
For more information, please contact:
Justice for Sergei Magnitsky
+44 207 440 1777
e‑mail: info@lawandorderinrussia.org
Twitter: @Billbrowder